jgthms / bulma

Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
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Migration to v1 is tough #3867

Open mbolli opened 4 months ago

mbolli commented 4 months ago

This is about Bulma v1 and the needed migration - not a bug.

Overview of the problem

This is about the Bulma CSS framework I'm using Bulma 1.0.2 My browser is: latest Chrome I am sure this issue is not a duplicate


This is how I modified Bulma to project requirements in 0.9.4:

$green: #56a39f;
$red: #e56758;
$darkblue: #2c3848;
$primary: $green;
$radius: 2px;

@import "~bulma/sass/utilities/_all";

// overrides
$family-primary: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
$family-secondary: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
$family-sans-serif: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
$family-code: "Inconsolata", "Consolas", "Courier", "Courier New", monospace;
$family-monospace: "Inconsolata", "Consolas", "Courier", "Courier New", monospace;
$box-radius: 0;
$title-weight: $weight-normal;
$body-background-color: #ececec;

// menu overrides
$menu-item-color: #898f98;
$menu-item-hover-color: $white;
$menu-item-hover-background-color: transparent;
$menu-item-active-color: $white;
$menu-item-active-background-color: transparent;
$menu-list-link-padding: 0.4em 0;
$menu-list-line-height: 1;
$menu-label-color: $white;
$menu-label-font-size: 1em;
$menu-label-letter-spacing: 0.05em;
$menu-label-spacing: .5em;


Essentially I was just able to go into the sass file, e.g. menu.sass, see what variables are available, e.g.

$menu-item-color: $text !default
$menu-item-radius: $radius-small !default
$menu-item-hover-color: $text-strong !default
$menu-item-hover-background-color: $background !default
$menu-item-active-color: $link-invert !default
$menu-item-active-background-color: $link !default

and go from there.

Now when trying to migrate to v1:

$green: #56a39f;
$red: #e56758;
$darkblue: #2c3848;
$primary: $green;
$radius: 2px;
$menu-item-color: #898f98;

// override/change bulma variables
@use "bulma/sass" with (
  $family-primary: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
  $family-secondary: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
  $family-sans-serif: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
  $family-code: 'Inconsolata, Consolas, Courier, "Courier New", monospace',
  $family-monospace: 'Inconsolata, Consolas, Courier, "Courier New", monospace',
  $box-radius: 0,
  $title-weight: 300,
  $body-background-color: #ececec,

  // navbar overrides
  $menu-item-hover-color: #fff,
  $menu-item-hover-background-color: transparent,
  $menu-item-active-color: #fff,
  $menu-item-active-background-color: transparent,
  $menu-list-link-padding: 0.4em 0,
  $menu-list-line-height: 1,
  $menu-label-color: #fff,
  $menu-label-font-size: 1em,
  $menu-label-letter-spacing: 0.05em,
  $menu-label-spacing: .5em,


Obviously it doesn't work, as most of the variables are not there anymore. So I go into menu.scss:

$menu-item-h: cv.getVar("scheme-h");
$menu-item-s: cv.getVar("scheme-s");
$menu-item-l: cv.getVar("scheme-main-l");
$menu-item-background-l: cv.getVar("scheme-main-l");
$menu-item-background-l-delta: 0%;
$menu-item-hover-background-l-delta: cv.getVar("hover-background-l-delta");
$menu-item-active-background-l-delta: cv.getVar("active-background-l-delta");
$menu-item-color-l: cv.getVar("text-l");
$menu-item-radius: cv.getVar("radius-small") !default;
$menu-item-selected-h: cv.getVar("link-h");
$menu-item-selected-s: cv.getVar("link-s");
$menu-item-selected-l: cv.getVar("link-l");
$menu-item-selected-background-l: cv.getVar("link-l");
$menu-item-selected-color-l: cv.getVar("link-invert-l");

How would I go about setting $menu-item-active-color: #fff; $menu-item-active-background-color: transparent? The :hover and :active styles only override the background luminance delta.

    &:hover {
      @include cv.register-vars(
          "menu-item-background-l-delta": #{cv.getVar(

    &:active {
      @include cv.register-vars(
          "menu-item-background-l-delta": #{cv.getVar(

Do I need to go back to override like this?

@use "bulma/sass" with (
  $family-primary: 'Roboto, sans-serif',

.menu-list {
  a, button, .menu-item {
    &:hover { 
      // variant 1
      background-color: transparent; 
      color: #fff;

      // or this? variant 2
      --menu-item-h: 0;
      --menu-item-s: 0%;
      --menu-item-l: 100%;
      background-color: transparent; // transparency part of HSL not overridable?

I mean, the upper way (variant 1) would be easy enough, but feels somehow wrong. And there's a big chance to miss something. The lower way (variant 2) is just really verbose and it doesn't look like everything's overridable. And there's the same chance to miss something.

jgthms commented 3 months ago

It's a fair criticism. The new system is supposed to leverage the flexibility of the HSL color format to easily customize your components.

I think some component like the Menu or the Pagination could do without this sytem. I'll see what I can do.

wagich commented 2 months ago

I've had a similar experience migrating my projects – it was managable, but coupled with the paradigm shift SASS namespacing forced on the styles quite complicated and error-prone.

Regarding simplifying some component's colors: at least for me, that unfortunately wouldn't solve the underlying problem. Right now I have a need to set button color variants to exact foreground-background pairs that were defined by a designer, this seems to only be possible by enumerating the colors and restyling .button.is-* classes… That's quite the step backwards from 0.x and seems to be something that should be easily achievable in the new theming system.

A minimal change that could help: if the hsla-calculations were stored in sass-variables (or even just separate css-vars) they could be overriden as regular colors.

brendon commented 1 week ago

I've come across some similar difficulty when trying to upgrade the checkradio plugin. It appears abandoned so I'm just going to internalise it. They did things like this:

  @each $name, $pair in $colors
    $color: nth($pair, 1)
    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)

But now there's no guaranteed inverted colour. Is there a simple way to get a list of colours and their inverts in the rewrite? Looking at the code for button, the colours look very complicated now :)

brendon commented 1 week ago

I went for this approach in the end:

@use "sass:list"
@use "bulma/sass" as bulma
@use "bulma/sass/utilities/functions"

  @each $name, $pair in bulma.$colors
    $color: list.nth($pair, 1)
    $color-invert: functions.bulmaFindColorInvert($color)

    @if list.length($pair) > 1
      $color-invert: list.nth($pair, 2)