When running correct.sh over some of my files, the pre_delta_filter.py breaks with the following message in the output:
+ FILTERED_DELTA=p0008.delta
+ [[ true == true ]]
+ FILTERED_DELTA=p0008.delta.pre
+ python /sw/ectools-master/pre_delta_filter.py p0008.delta 0.05 0.80 200 p0008.delta.pre
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/sw/ectools-master/pre_delta_filter.py", line 58, in <module>
for record in getDeltaAlignmentIterator(fh):
File "/sw/ectools-master/nucio.py", line 124, in getDeltaAlignmentIterator
record = prepareDeltaRecord(itembuf)
File "/swectools-master/nucio.py", line 111, in prepareDeltaRecord
IndexError: list index out of range
When running correct.sh over some of my files, the pre_delta_filter.py breaks with the following message in the output:
I can send you the data privately if you wish.