jgyates / genmon

Generac (and other models) Generator Monitoring using a Raspberry Pi and WiFi
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Mopeka Pro+ Config #988

Closed philruel closed 10 months ago

philruel commented 10 months ago

Actual Behavior

I'm trying to configure Genmon to install a Mopeka Pro + sensor I did: sudo python3 serialconfig.py -e -b Reboot sudo python3 serialconfig.py -c -b All ok sudo bluetoothctl White cursor and nothing show up So Ctrl C Restore your serialconfig.py settings sudo python3 serialconfig.py -r sudo python3 serialconfig.py -e -b Reboot

Now, I cannot connect to Raspberry Pi 4 via VNC: Cannot currently show the desktop Genmon is running but Add-Ons dials are not displayed but are On: External Temperature Sensors and External CT Sensors. Did try to reboot the Pi via Genmon but results are the same.

Your Environment

jgyates commented 10 months ago

I received your log files.
Based on your description it does not look like the BT controller is enabled on your pi.

Based on your description above I do not see where you reset your serial config before enabling bluetooth. You logs indicate that you have been running genmon for some time. The initial genmon BT setup utilizes serial and disables BT. If you already had serial working and want to enable BT at a later time you need to reset your serial config. Once that is done you can use serialconfig.py to enable both serial and BT.

I would reset your serial config:

 sudo python3 serialconfig.py -r

reboot your pi

 sudo reboot

After the reboot type:

cd genmon
cd OtherApps
sudo python3 serialconfig.py -e -b

sudo reboot

When the pi comes up, validate that your serial communications are still working. If they are then proceed to the next step. If not show the output of this command and the serial port name in your genmon setting:

  ls -la /dev/ser*

If your serial comms are working then type this:

 sudo bluetoothctl

If you do not get the MAC address showing something like this (you will get a different controller address, or not address if your controller is not enabled):

 Agent registered
[CHG] Controller DC:A6:32:96:B0:03 Pairable: yes

then type this command at the [bluetooth] prompt:

  power on

Then type


to exit the bluetoothctl program

jgyates commented 10 months ago

also, you should have these in your /boot/config.txt file:


It is possible that you may have other program that have modified the /boot/config.txt file (like a graphical desktop that tries to enable BT) that may not be compatible with the serialconfig.py program (just a guess).

jgyates commented 10 months ago

You can post any status or questions to this thread. I am going to close this thread for now.

philruel commented 10 months ago

Did cd genmon cd OtherApps sudo python3 serialconfig.py -r Restoring... Restored /boot/config.txt.bak1 to /boot/config.txt Restored /boot/cmdline.txt.bak1 to /boot/cmdline.txt Restore Complete.

sudo reboot Rebooted

Did cd genmon cd OtherApps sudo python3 serialconfig.py -e -b Backup file already exist: /boot/config.txt.bak1 Backup file already exist: /boot/cmdline.txt.bak1

Enable UART: Success Change BT serial port: Success Enable Turbo clocking: Success Disable BT Disable Overlay: Success Disable serial console: Success Disable serial console service: Success Enable BT service service: Success

Serial port settings are OK. A reboot is needed if changes were made.

sudo reboot Rebooted

Did cd genmon cd OtherApps sudo python3 serialconfig.py -c

Checking : Is enable UART in boot config: OK Checking : Is BT overlay disabled: Fail Checking : Serial console command line removed: OK Checking : Serial console service disabled: OK Checking : BT service disabled: Fail

Serial port may not work as expected. Not all required settings changes were detected.

Is this how to check if the serial communications are still working?
My Pi is not plugged to the generator at the moment because I cannot connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via VNC: Cannot currently show the desktop.

Did ls -la /dev/ser* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Dec 12 08:37 /dev/serial0 -> ttyAMA0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Dec 12 08:37 /dev/serial1 -> ttyS0

In genmon, I have: /dev/serial0 Is it okay?

Did sudo bluetoothctl Agent registered [bluetooth]#

No MAC address.

How do I check you my /boot/config.txt file?

Thank you!

jgyates commented 10 months ago

the file /boot/config.txt is a text file so you can view it with a text editor in the graphical user interface or you can use a command line text editor like nano.

  sudo nano /boot/config.txt

To exit the editor type Ctrl+X. Here is a full list of commands: https://www.unomaha.edu/college-of-information-science-and-technology/computer-science-learning-center/_files/resources/CSLC-Helpdocs-Nano.pdf

your genmon serial setup looks good. You just don't have a BT controller enabled.

Make sure your /boot/config.txt does not have the following line:


and it should have these lines:


if you make any changes to the file in nano, type Ctrl-X to exit, then 'y' for yes to save, then Enter to save the file. A reboot is required if any changes to /boot/config.txt are made.

philruel commented 10 months ago

/boot/config.txt does not contain dtoverlay=disable-bt

And it does contain enable_uart=1 dtoverlay=miniuart-bt force_turbo=1

jgyates commented 10 months ago

what is the output of this command:

 grep 'bt' /boot/config.txt 

in my system it is this:

jgyates commented 10 months ago

also, what is the output of this command:

 systemctl status hciuart.service

Mine is:

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 10 23 50 AM
jgyates commented 10 months ago

and this command:

 cat /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service

mine is this:

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 10 30 19 AM
jgyates commented 10 months ago

your could try updating your system software: https://github.com/jgyates/genmon/wiki/Appendix-M-Tips-and-Tricks-useful-for-Genmon#updating-your-pi-system-software

philruel commented 10 months ago

what is the output of this command:

 grep 'bt' /boot/config.txt 

in my system it is this:


Same as yours

philruel commented 10 months ago

also, what is the output of this command:

 systemctl status hciuart.service

Mine is: Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 10 23 50 AM

● hciuart.service - Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-12-12 10:22:44 EST; 9min ago Process: 432 ExecStart=/usr/bin/btuart (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 675 (hciattach) Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915) CGroup: /system.slice/hciuart.service └─675 /usr/bin/hciattach /dev/serial1 bcm43xx 460800 noflow -

Dec 12 10:22:37 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART... Dec 12 10:22:44 raspberrypi btuart[432]: bcm43xx_init Dec 12 10:22:44 raspberrypi btuart[432]: Flash firmware /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM4345C0.hcd Dec 12 10:22:44 raspberrypi btuart[432]: Set Controller UART speed to 460800 bit/s Dec 12 10:22:44 raspberrypi btuart[432]: Device setup complete Dec 12 10:22:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART.

philruel commented 10 months ago

and this command:

 cat /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service

mine is this: Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 10 30 19 AM

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service [Unit] Description=Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART ConditionFileNotEmpty=/proc/device-tree/soc/gpio@7e200000/bt_pins/brcm,pins After=dev-serial1.device

[Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/bin/btuart

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

jgyates commented 10 months ago

so far nothing looks out of the ordinary. According to your logs you are running the OS version bullseye (version 10), the latest is bookwork (version 11).

Here are the things I would try:

1) update your system software 2) try running the provision program while holding the sync button on the mopeka sensor, your BT may be working but just not showing the controller MAC address.

 cd genmon
 cd OtherApps
 sudo python3 mopeka_utility.py 

If your BT system is working you should see your sensor in the output if you hold the sync button while running the program. If it does not you can post the output here.

3) if that does not work then I would save your genmon settings and reinstall the operating system.

philruel commented 10 months ago

The Mopeka sensor doesn't get discovered. I know it works because it's synch with my phone.

pi@raspberrypi:~/genmon/OtherApps $ sudo python3 mopeka_utility.py

NOTE: This program will look for Mopeka Pro Sensors. The SYNC button must be pressed and held for the discovery process to work.

Starting Discovery.... Discovery Stats ReadStats ( Ignored Ad Count: 216, Processed Ad Count: 0, Error Ad Count: 0), Zero Data Ad Count: 0)

Finished Discovery. Found 0 new sensor(s):

I will install a new OS.

Thank you!

jgyates commented 10 months ago

if you have saved your genmon settings external to the pi, you can restore the settings with these instructions: https://github.com/jgyates/genmon/wiki/Appendix-M-Tips-and-Tricks-useful-for-Genmon#restoring-settings-from-a-backup

philruel commented 10 months ago

I installed Raspberry OS 12 and the genmon software.

Now I'm turning around in circles... How do you get the bleson library installed?

To use the mopeka pro sensor with genmon the python bleson library (this is installed with the install script) must be installed and your system must have a compatible Bluetooth controller.

admin@raspberrypi:~/genmon/OtherApps $ sudo python3 mopeka_utility.py The required library bleson is not installed.

jgyates commented 10 months ago

This is an anomaly of the new python requirements in OS12 (a managed python environment. Try this:

First start out in the genmon directory:

 cd genmon

then enabled the virtual python environment:

 source ./genenv/bin/activate

Then run the mopeka_utility.py program with this command:

 sudo ./genenv/bin/python3 ./OtherApps/mopeka_utility.py

There are pros (less library version conflicst between python apps) and cons (more things to type) of the new managed python environment requirements. This page has more info: https://github.com/jgyates/genmon/wiki/Appendix-S---Working-in-a-Managed-Python-Environment

I will update the warning message in mopeka_utility.py to be more descriptive of this error.

jgyates commented 10 months ago

I updated mopeka_utility.py to print a the URL listed above if it it can not find the library in a managed environment. I had done this for serialtest.py and modbusdump.py but I forgot to put this in mopeka_utility.py. Sorry, the managed environment stuff is relatively new (couple of months) so there are still a few things like this that pop up that let me know where the holes are in pointing people in the right direction.

philruel commented 10 months ago

Awesome help! It works! Added my Mopeka Pro+. Will try to restore my backup next.

jgyates commented 10 months ago

FYI, If you overwrite the file /etc/genmon/genmopeka.conf you will have to add the sensor MAC address again.