jh3y / driveway

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Whats the deal with the class names? #5

Closed jonagoldman closed 8 years ago

jonagoldman commented 8 years ago

Hey, sorry for not following your issue guidelines, but I just want to know whats the deal with the class names. Its extremely hard to understand all the abbreviations, just look at this:

<div class="dw-pnl dw-flp dw-flp--md">
  <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt dw-flp__cntnt">
    <div class="dw-flp__pnl dw-flp__pnl--frnt">
      <h1>You can flip me round</h1>
    <div class="dw-flp__pnl dw-flp__pnl--bck">
      <h1>Yeah that's right</h1>

What?! Is this supposed to be more readable?

What about this alternative:

<div class="dw-panel dw-flip dw-flip-medium">
  <div class="dw-panel-content dw-flip-content">
    <div class="dw-flip-panel dw-flip-panel-front">
      <h1>You can flip me round</h1>
    <div class="dw-flip-panel dw-flip-panel-back">
      <h1>Yeah that's right</h1>