jhalter / mobius

A Hotline server implemented in Golang for macOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems
MIT License
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non-ascii filenames cause error listing files #131

Open jtippett opened 3 months ago

jtippett commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

I was testing out running a server (MacOS, build from source) and I noticed an issue. Any unicode won't list and produces this log:

2024-06-08T20:28:52.886+0700    debug   Received Transaction    {"remoteAddr": "", "login": "guest", "name": "guest", "RequestType": "TranGetFileNameList"}
2024-06-08T20:28:52.886+0700    error   Error handling transaction  {"remoteAddr": "", "login": "guest", "name": "guest", "err": "encoding: rune not supported by encoding."}

my test file names were ベスト.txt and helló.txt. Client was https://github.com/mierau/hotline.

Not sure if this is a bug in the server or client or even an issue in the protocol itself? Either way, thought I'd report it. Thanks for the cool project.

jhalter commented 3 months ago

Hi there. Thanks for raising this.

The Mobius project targets compatibility with the original Macintosh Hotline clients, which limits the characters that it can use to those in the Mac OS Roman encoding.

Mobius supports encoding translation for a small subset of unicode characters that have equivalents in the Mac OS Roman character set. For example, or ƒ. Not sure why ó doesn't work -- seems like it should! The Japanese characters would definitely not work though.

I'll fix the file listing transaction to log a better error and skip files with incompatible names instead of totally failing.

tjohnman commented 3 months ago

Historically, Japanese servers used the Shift JIS encoding. Over the years I've seen servers use Mac OS Roman, Latin 1, Shift JIS and UTF-8. But as far as I know, other than the user selecting what encoding they want to use, or the clients trying to autodetect it, the protocol never took into consideration how to handle it.