If we set a request heartbeat > 0 and the connection goes down Lyra will only try to recover for the heartbeat duration.
In the example below handleShutdownSignal will be called 10 seconds after the network goes down, once that have happened Lyra seems to stop trying.
If the network goes up after 7 seconds the consumer recovers without any problem. If we remove the heartbeat the consumer is able to recover after 30 seconds.
Config config = new Config()
final ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions()
try {
final ConfigurableConnection connection = Connections.create(connectionOptions, config);
final Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
channel.basicConsume("foo", new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
public void handleCancel(final String consumerTag) throws IOException {
public void handleCancelOk(final String consumerTag) {
public void handleConsumeOk(final String consumerTag) {
public void handleDelivery(final String consumerTag, final Envelope envelope, final AMQP.BasicProperties properties, final byte[] body) throws IOException {
final String message = new String(body);
log.info("Got a message");
public void handleRecoverOk(final String consumerTag) {
public void handleShutdownSignal(final String consumerTag, final ShutdownSignalException sig) {
super.handleShutdownSignal(consumerTag, sig);
} catch (IOException e) {
If we set a request heartbeat > 0 and the connection goes down Lyra will only try to recover for the heartbeat duration.
In the example below handleShutdownSignal will be called 10 seconds after the network goes down, once that have happened Lyra seems to stop trying.
If the network goes up after 7 seconds the consumer recovers without any problem. If we remove the heartbeat the consumer is able to recover after 30 seconds.