jhannah / legislature_calendar

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Establish actual passwords for users #5

Open jhannah opened 2 years ago

jhannah commented 2 years ago

Currently the password field is ignored. Actually implement users having passwords to control their accounts. Need password reset feature, which means we need to be able to send emails?

Why? Much of the value of this system (imo) derives from being logged into the system. Here's a view of "all users": Once you're logged into the system you can click the (W)atch / (Y)es / (N)o / (U)nwatch links. Doing so gives users a view of the bills they've clicked that they have interest in, so those bills go to the top of the list of ~1700 bills and they can, at a glance, see the updates / status of the bills they care about. Users can also see the list of bills other users care about. So if I, as a voter, care about the bills the League of Women Voters care about (for example), and their stance on those bills, I can see those bills at a glance. Above the list of all 1700 bills.

barobba commented 2 years ago

Yes, we will want to get user functionality working. Legiscan offers some, but we can augment with more. We might even want to consider "groups" and "group membership"... at some point.

I think for now, we should get the public information further along, then we can follow-up with logins.

nitrocode commented 2 years ago

@barobba suggested yesterday that we could use something like auth0


Get Auth0 for free with up to 7,000 active users and unlimited logins. No credit card required.
