jhardenberg / PLASIM

General Circulation Models Planet Simulator (PlaSim) with some improvements
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WIP New netcdf postprocessor #3

Closed jhardenberg closed 3 years ago

jhardenberg commented 5 years ago

The new tool scripts/srv2nc is a complete alternative to the afterburner, based on CDO. It converts the full raw PlaSIM output files to (zipped) netcdf4. Already by doing so space requirement is halved. No information is lost and the original raw files could be erased after conversion. The suggestion is to use this directly in the run script to convert output on the fly. CDO can then be used for later postprocessing.

Additional features:

From all tests, results are identical to afterburner output. The tool works both with the main PlaSIM output (in that case it fixes the vertical coordinate axis and uses afterburner name conventions) and with the ML ocean and ice model output (in those cases it uses variable names and units as in the PlaSIM source code). An adaptation to convert also LSG files is being developed.

Usage: srv2nc [-d code1,code2,...] [-m] [-y] infile.nc outfile.nc
  -d codelist   remove a comma-separated list of codes from the output
  -m            perform monthly means
  -y            perform yearly means
jhardenberg commented 3 years ago

Closing, since the not WIP anymore