jharrels / scummy

A modern, clean front end for SCUMMVM, built on Node.js and Electron.
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

Continue with the project? #47

Open tatundria opened 3 months ago

tatundria commented 3 months ago

Please, this is the best ScummVM Frontend I have ever seen. I use it everyday. Can you continue with it? Or at least please help me to fix launch Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis which is the only game that is not working with Scummy (I think it is a problem with the id "atlantis")

jharrels commented 3 months ago

Please, this is the best ScummVM Frontend I have ever seen. I use it everyday. Can you continue with it? Or at least please help me to fix launch Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis which is the only game that is not working with Scummy (I think it is a problem with the id "atlantis")

Howdy. I've been thinking about restarting the project, actually. I kept thinking ScummVM was going to introduce their own thumbnail front end, but I guess not. I'll see what I can do to get things started again. I no longer have a Mac in order to build the Mac version.

tatundria commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your reply! It would be great if you actually restart the project! I have no idea on how to compile for Mac, but maybe with a little help from you I can make it.

Regarding the Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis error, I was asking for help in discord and someone told me the following: “…There's now a conflict between scumm:atlantis and cryomni3d:atlantis(Atlantis: The Lost Tales) affecting some defunct frontends that don't specify the games as well as they could (or use --auto-detect). Either fix the JS code, or compile ScummVM without cryomni3d engine per Wiki instructions…”

Also, it would be great if you could add the game The Longest Journey to the Frontend, since it is now compatible with ScummVM.

Please, let me know if I can help you with anything.

jharrels commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your reply! It would be great if you actually restart the project! I have no idea on how to compile for Mac, but maybe with a little help from you I can make it.

It requires installing Node.js on the Mac, downloading the source for Scummy and running "npm run build:mac". So it's pretty straightforward, if you want to give it a go. I can add you to the project as a contributor. I'll also see what other alternatives there are out there.

Regarding the Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis error, I was asking for help in discord and someone told me the following: “…There's now a conflict between scumm:atlantis and cryomni3d:atlantis(Atlantis: The Lost Tales) affecting some defunct frontends that don't specify the games as well as they could (or use --auto-detect). Either fix the JS code, or compile ScummVM without cryomni3d engine per Wiki instructions…”

I'll check this out. Looking at the code that snags the name of the game from scummvm, sure enough it's only getting whatever is on the right hand side of the colon. So, if it comes back with "scumm:atlantis" all it really gets is "atlantis", which must be blowing it up. Almost everything relies on that short name, though, so I'll have to put some thought into it before I try to fix it.

Also, it would be great if you could add the game The Longest Journey to the Frontend, since it is now compatible with ScummVM.

Yep, I'll probably try to add everything that was added since... oh whatever version was out three years ago.

tatundria commented 3 months ago

Sure, I'll be glad to be a contributor and help on whatever I can :)

This is a great frontend that deserves to be updated.

tatundria commented 2 months ago

Hello again. Any news on this? Are you finally coming back? Sorry to bother!

jharrels commented 2 months ago

@tatundria It'll be a minute before I can devote much time to this. Apologies. I'll keep you posted.