jhauserw3241 / cdcdb-webserver

Python3/Flask web server for DB final project
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Way to distinguish students from non-students #16

Closed Deedasmi closed 7 years ago

Deedasmi commented 7 years ago

For example, officer page has no way to tell Eugene is a professor unless you manage to infer that all the fields being empty mean non-student.

pastly commented 7 years ago

I'm planning a full rewrite of the people/index and people/index?filter=officers endpoints. I'm imagining a table for each

If you aren't logged in, you can only see officers and faculty. If you're logged in as anyone, you can see everyone.

First: does this sound like a good idea? If so, implementing this would solve this issue IMO.

Deedasmi commented 7 years ago

How do we plan on figuring out who is faculty? Are you assuming 'Advisor' = faculty? That might be fair, but seems a little wonky.

Additionally, you aren't specifically doing this any more. Use the views we discussed and created (https://github.com/pastly/db-final-project/blob/master/Database%20Setup/views.sql)

pastly commented 7 years ago

Closing as views will be used. Will open new ticket about how to determine faculty.