Closed dmitry-saritasa closed 4 years ago
Hello Dmitry,
Dmitry Semenov writes:
➜ find . -type f | fzy > ./.gitignore ./.gitmessage ./.style.yapf ./docker-compose.yml ./docs/async_processing/index.rst ./docs/jupyter/business/.ipynb_checkpoints/Time Periods-checkpoint.ipynb ./docs/jupyter/business/metrics/.ipynb_checkpoints/flow-checkpoint.ipynb ./docs/jupyter/business/metrics/.ipynb_checkpoints/worktypes_weekly_reports-checkpoint.ipynb ./docs/jupyter/business/metrics/.ipynb_checkpoints/Metrics-checkpoint.ipynb ./docs/jupyter/business/metrics/.ipynb_checkpoints/metrics-checkpoint.ipynb
so how do I exclude folders and files by extensions? For example, exclude all folders named pycache or files with .ipynb extensions?
You can pipe the find output, e.g.:
find . -type f | fgrep -v __pycache__ | fzy' or
find . -type f | grep -v '.ipynb$' | fzy'.
Alternatively you can also use `ag -l' instead of find(1) that will honor possible .*ignore files.
git ls-files --cached --others --exclude-standard --recurse-submodules
is also an option, but I'm not sure about the relative performance versus ag -l
. (If you use git ls-files
in your vim macro or similar, you should however consider adding a fallback for such cases when you aren't working in a git repo.)
I use this script that I made if it's helpful for others:
# pfind – dumb file finder for projects
# pfind [-n]
# It just finds files that are checked into a project.
# It does not give you any fancy options with which to filter.
usage() {
cat <<EOF >&2
usage: $0 [-n]
args=$(getopt n $*)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
set -- $args
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
case "$1"
use_vcs=0; shift;;
shift; break;;
if [ ${use_vcs} -eq 1 ] && git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null; then
exec git ls-files . --cached --others --exclude-standard 2>/dev/null
# fallback on find but limit depth in case we are in ${HOME}, etc.
# exec find . -maxdepth 4 -type f -print 2>/dev/null
exec ag -l --depth 3 2>/dev/null
If you do pfind -n
it forces the non-git search path. I usually have this as find
so that it grabs all files that aren't excluded from Git.
@neuschaefer Does --recurse-submodules
work for you as you had it below?
git ls-files --cached --others --exclude-standard --recurse-submodules
I chucked it in my script thinking it was a nice to have that I was missing (previously I just used --cached --others --exclude-standard
) but I've noticed it failing with:
fatal: ls-files --recurse-submodules unsupported mode
and checking the man page gives:
Recursively calls ls-files on each submodule in the repository.
Currently there is only support for the --cached mode.
I've updated my script above to just use --cached --others --exclude-standard
for now.
@casr: Yes, AFAICT it works.
Lucky! (Thanks for checking)
so how do I exclude folders and files by extensions? For example, exclude all folders named pycache or files with .ipynb extensions?