jhcknzzm / Federated-Learning-Backdoor

ICML 2022 code for "Neurotoxin: Durable Backdoors in Federated Learning" https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10341
61 stars 7 forks source link

recurrent problem : unrecognized arguments: -same_structure --lastwords 1 #7

Closed imomoe233 closed 2 years ago

imomoe233 commented 2 years ago

when i recurrent this, i meet some problem like that I am not sure why,could u please help me ? (neurotoxin) X:\Directory\code\neurotoxin\FL_Backdoor_NLP>python main_training.py --params utils/words_reddit_lstm.yaml --run_name Reddit_LSTM_SentenceId0 --GPU_id 1 --gradmask_ratio 1.0 --start_epoch 1 --PGD 0 --semantic_target True --same_structure True --defense True --s_norm 3.0 --sentence_id_list 0 --lastwords 1 Start training ------ usage: main_training.py [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--GPU_id GPU_ID] [--is_poison IS_POISON] [--run_name RUN_NAME] [--poison_lr POISON_LR] [--start_epoch START_EPOCH] [--aggregate_all_layer AGGREGATE_ALL_LAYER] [--run_slurm RUN_SLURM] [--same_structure SAME_STRUCTURE] [--num_middle_token_same_structure NUM_MIDDLE_TOKEN_SAME_STRUCTURE] [--semantic_target SEMANTIC_TARGET] [--defense DEFENSE] [--diff_privacy DIFF_PRIVACY] [--s_norm S_NORM] [--PGD PGD] [--attack_num ATTACK_NUM] [--gradmask_ratio GRADMASK_RATIO] [--sentence_id_list SENTENCE_ID_LIST [SENTENCE_ID_LIST ...]] main_training.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --lastwords 1

jhcknzzm commented 2 years ago

Oh, please remove the --lastwords 1 in the command, which is not used in the code

imomoe233 commented 2 years ago

Oh, please remove the --lastwords 1 in the command, which is not used in the code

Thank you for your replay , : )