jheredia / pack-it-up

Frantic packing action game about a group of backpackers working together to complete their trip while trying to keep their luggage and sanity.
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Player & Camera Controller #1

Closed jheredia closed 1 week ago

jheredia commented 1 week ago

Player Controller

As a player, I want to be able to move my character around in a 2d space. I should be able to move in every direction as long as it's a valid position.

A valid position is one that doesn't have any other objects blocking it (i.e. walls, furniture, etc), a valid position can have items that can be picked up on it and they shouldn't affect my path.

The values used for movement (i.e. speed) should be easily modifiable so we can customize it further down the road.

This player controller should be able to be instantiated multiple times, allowing us to have multiple players in the future.

Camera Controller

As a player, I want the camera to follow me around with a latching style, that is, avoid lag between the movement of the player and the camera.

This camera should have a fixed height and a slight blur around the edges of the screen so I, as a player, can't see clearly what's really far away from me.

jheredia commented 1 week ago

Added a requirement for capability of multiple instances of a controller to be present on a level thus allowing us to do local multiplayer in the future