jhester / DistributedGA

A distributed Genetic Algorithm simulation.
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Client with pygame!! #19

Open ghost opened 13 years ago

ghost commented 13 years ago

This might make the presentation better, if we could have a version of the player client that uses pygame, it could look exactly like the observer (maybe the overlord is controled by the client instead of user) and we can see the world from a clients perspective, which would be a nice wow factor. It could also display a bar graph with 5 bars 1 for health, 4 for AI variables.

Also we could let people in the class room attempt to launch this pretty client...

jhester commented 13 years ago

Great idea. I could do that VERY easily, also, because I have a bajillion sprite sheets we can let them choose who they want to be look and feel wise. I can work on this tomorrow after my exam. Probably wont take too long.

Also I am looking into ways that we can package this so that they can download the client as an application or binary etc. That'd make it easy for them to play.

ghost commented 13 years ago

maybe just have a python script like the launcher script that launches with correct settings and such. If we assume the server will be on dragon1 port 5555 they should be able to automagicly connect. If we have to change that it should be an easy edit before class.

We just have the launcher script in the root dir of our program and then zip all needed files together. They unzip, get a nice "DistributedGA" folder and launch.py. Then they just python launch.py and they're good to go. This launcher should check for pygame though

jhester commented 13 years ago

I may have found an interesting way to package pygame in there.

http://python-packager.com/faq#9 for windows and linux and

http://svn.pythonmac.org/py2app/py2app/trunk/doc/index.html#abstract for Mac

I'll try it out tonight and see if it works.