jhhoward / MicroWeb

DOS Web browser for 8088 class machines
GNU General Public License v2.0
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(French) accents and & in URL #12

Open sJARB opened 2 years ago

sJARB commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I discover this incredible project by the webmaster of a famous French retro informatic forum, Win3x.org. I've installed MicroWeb under PC-DOS V/7.0 (Japanese version of PC-DOS 2000) to have all DOS Web Browsers in the same VM (under 86box, Pentium MMX/166, 32 MB RAM, CL-GD 5480, PC-Net ISA 0x300 IRQ3), and I report some issues I've encounter.

1° HTML entities like à (à) or others, can't display. I'm sad to not see French accents on my website http://winjoy.sjarb.fr (the same for Greek letters to a lesser extent)

2° I think, <table> is not supported yet, because the one I use for the header seems not work here. The cells are displayed one below the other. The float CSS can help when implemented

3° When I try to use JavaScript, MicroWeb don't display anything

4° WINJOY is a verifed XHTML 4.0 Transitional site, but to do that, I'm foced to use an HTML entity for & instead, because I'm using parameters in URLs, but, as MicroWeb don't support these, it tries to access to the page without replace the entity by a real &. So I've to manually replace it in the search bar

My site looks pretty well without any major change except JavaScript, that's awesome !

That's all for today, thanks for your good work (^_^)

20211112-080257-683 Home page of WINJOY (No French accents, no Greek letters, no table)

20211112-081322-064 When i'm trying to access WINJOY with JavaScript

20211112-080307-230 When I'm trying to acces to the Windows section

jhhoward commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting on how your site performs! Currently accented characters get replaced with their not-accented versions. I'm planning to support a wider variety of characters in the future.

sJARB commented 2 years ago

The major issue is just html entities. I'm using that because of no support of UTF-8 in IE3. But MicroWeb don't pay attention to that. I'm making an other version with only the accented characters, and where I convert these to entites if necessary

I'm waiting the "version 0.53" 🙂

jhhoward commented 2 months ago

Version 2.0 now supports tables and a subset of accented characters. The URL you shared is no longer working so unfortunately I couldn't test with your site. Let me know if it displays correctly now :)

sJARB commented 2 months ago

Yes it's true, I moved my site into http://sjarb.fr since my last post 😅 it's midnight here in France, I have no time to test now