jhiesey / videostream

Play html5 video when from a file-like object
MIT License
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Support additional codecs and video formats? #41

Open tzarebczan opened 5 years ago

tzarebczan commented 5 years ago

Are there plans to add support for additional codecs and video formats? We are using this plugin in the LBRY Desktop App (https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop) as part of RenderMedia and we'd like to be able to support other formats/codecs like AVI/MKV/MOV/MPEG/FLV (not streaming necessarily, but at least the ability to play them when fully downloaded)

We would tip in LBRY Credits (LBC) for anyone that would want to help out.

jhiesey commented 5 years ago

I don't have any plans for that at present, but I can tell there's more interest in this library these days so it's a possibility. If anyone is interested in donating cash that would help a lot :)

So there are codecs and containers, which are different things. Sounds like you actually want support for more containers, which roughly correspond to file extensions.

.mov is probably close to working if it doesn't already (it's nearly the same as .mp4) as long as the actual codec is still h264.

.mkv is probably the next format I'd add support for. That would involve a bunch of refactoring and new code.

rigelk commented 5 years ago

@jhiesey I would be willing to help on Mastroska (or WebM for that matter).