jhildenbiddle / vertical-rhythm-reset

A Sass/SCSS library for responsive vertical rhythm grids, modular scale typography, and CSS normalization.
MIT License
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Make modular scale function public #3

Closed rafegoldberg closed 5 years ago

rafegoldberg commented 5 years ago

I really love the sparse simplicity of the core vr() method. That said, I do occasionally find need to reference scale values outside of the mixin's parameters. Skimming thru your source code, I found the internal _modular_scale method, which I assume is being used to calculate each step value.

I was wondering if it'd be possible to update this internal function so it can be used as a public utility? (Maybe even alias it to an ms shorthand, consistent with the vr naming convention!) That way one could write:

@import "vertical-rhythm-reset";
$vr-modular-scale: 1.33;

.example {
  @include vr($padding-top: 1);
  position: relative;
  top: -1 * ms(1); // modular scale shorthand alias

And that ms function would automatically pull in the $vr-modular-scale global and output the same step value as the above vr calculation.

Let me know if that makes sense. Happy to clarify if/where I can!

jhildenbiddle commented 5 years ago

Hi @rafegoldberg.

Glad your enjoying vertical-rhythm-reset!

I'd love to offer public ms() and vr() functions that return modular-scale and vertical-rhythm unit values. The challenge is that functions do not have access to the context necessary to support auto-generating rulesets for various breakpoints.

Consider the @vr() mixin (source). It can access the current CSS selector (via &), the selector content (via @content directive), and the vertical-rhythm properties and values you want to calculate (via the mixin arguments). This means the @vr mixin has everything it needs to generate a complete ruleset:

$vr-modular-scale: 1.33;

.foo {
  @include vr(
    $font-size: 1,
    $height: 2


.foo {
  font-size: 1.33rem;
  line-height: 1.50001rem;
  height: 3.00002rem;

The @vr() mixin then looks at the $vr-breakpoints map and generates variations of the same ruleset for each breakpoint when needed. For example, if a 1280px breakpoint is specified with a modular scale of 1.25, the following media query and ruleset will be auto-generated:

@media (min-width: 80em) {
  .foo {
    font-size: 1.25rem;
    line-height: 1.7894836842rem;
    height: 3.5789673684rem;

Now consider an ms() or vr() function:

$vr-font-size: 14px;
$vr-line-height: 1.5;
$vr-modular-scale: 1.33;

.ms-example {
  top: -1 * ms(2);

.vr-example {
  top: -1 * vr(2);

It's easy enough to return a value based on the $vr-* variables:

:root {
  font-size: 14px;

.ms-example {
  top: -1.769rem; // -1 * (((14*1.33)*1.33) / 14)

.vr-example {
  top: -3rem; // -1 * (1.5*2)

But these functions cannot generate ruleset variations for other breakpoints because they have no knowledge of the properties (top) and values (-1 * ms(2) and -1 * vr(2)) in which they are being used.

All that being said, not all configurations require generating ruleset variations for different breakpoints. From the README:

Font-size and line-height values can have a significant impact on the generated CSS output. To keep the CSS output as lightweight as possible, maintain a consistent line-height across breakpoints and use font-size values that equal whole numbers when multiplied by the line-height. This will allow the rem-based values generated for the root breakpoint to work across all breakpoints which removes the need to generate recalculated values for every media query.

If your vertical-rhythm-reset setup aligns with the statement above, then ruleset variations won't need to be generated for your breakpoints. This means you can use the private _modular-scale() function to accomplish your goal since you don't have to worry about the return value changing across breakpoints.

@import "vertical-rhythm-reset";
$vr-modular-scale: 1.33;

.example {
  @include vr($padding-top: 1);
  position: relative;
  top: -1 * _modular-scale(1);

If you are concerned about using a private function, you can always create your own wrapper around _module-scale() that tests for its existence and provides a safe fallback if it doesn't exist.

@function ms($multiple) {
  @if function-exists(_modular-scale) {
    @return _modular-scale($multiple);
  @else {
    @warn "ms(): _modular-scale() function not available";
    @return 1rem * $multiple;

Hope this helps, @rafegoldberg.

rafegoldberg commented 5 years ago

This is fantastic. Will have to give it another read, alongside the source code. But I think I get the gist of the problem.

jhildenbiddle commented 5 years ago

Excellent. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.