jhipster / generator-jhipster

JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.
Apache License 2.0
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Error build react client: missing @types import in tsconfig.json #11005

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago
Overview of the issue

When I choose react client and I perform prod build, there is an error on webpack build due to types missing import.

Motivation for or Use Case

The motivation is that from the 6.2.0 version of jhipster, for the react templates the tsconfig.json is missing for:

  "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"],
  "include": [
    "<%= MAIN_SRC_DIR %>app/typing.d.ts",
    "<%= MAIN_SRC_DIR %>app/**/*",
    "<%= TEST_SRC_DIR %>spec/**/*"

Here 6.2.0 jhipster version: https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/blob/v6.2.0/generators/client/templates/react/tsconfig.json.ejs

Here 6.5.1 jhipster version: https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/blob/v6.5.1/generators/client/templates/react/tsconfig.json.ejs

Suggest a Fix

Rollback that configuration to 6.2.0

JHipster Version(s)

I'm using jhipster 6.5.1

vishal423 commented 4 years ago

@amanganiello90, can you provide all details including .yo-rc.json.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I run jhipster --skip-server and I choose react client with no theme. After I run the prod build command. This is the log error:

> node --max_old_space_size=4096 node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js "--config" "webpack/webpack.prod.js" "--profile"

Starting type checking service...

Using 1 worker with 2048MB memory limit

Hash: 1222281056701e020093

Version: webpack 4.28.4

Time: 52814ms

Built at: 12/20/2019 5:48:43 PM

 6 assets

Entrypoint main = content/vendors.1222281056701e020093.css app/vendors.1222281056701e020093.chunk.js content/main.1222281056701e020093.css app/main.1222281056701e020093.bundle.js

  [8] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/action-type.util.ts 324 bytes {1} [built]

      [] 8176ms -> [37] 2903ms -> factory:43ms building:4847ms = 15969ms

 [11] ./node_modules/reactstrap/es/index.js + 65 modules 112 KiB {2} [built]

      |    66 modules

 [15] ./node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js + 14 modules 28.7 KiB {2} [built]

      |    15 modules

 [32] ./src/main/webapp/app/config/constants.ts 678 bytes {1} [built]

      [] 8176ms -> [] 2903ms -> factory:182ms building:5557ms = 16818ms

 [33] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/error-boundary.tsx 969 bytes {1} [built]

      [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

 [37] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/authentication.ts 2.41 KiB {1} [built]m [1 error]

      [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

 [66] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/auth/private-route.tsx 2.39 KiB {1} [built] [1 error]

      [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> factory:734ms building:18141ms dependencies:9785ms = 39739ms

 [92] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/application-profile.ts 830 bytes {1} [built] [1 error]

      [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> factory:734ms building:18141ms dependencies:9785ms = 39739ms

[147] (webpack)/buildin/harmony-module.js 573 bytes {2} [built]

      [] 8176ms -> [24] 2903ms -> [91] 692ms -> factory:17ms building:37ms = 11825ms

[263] ./src/main/webapp/app/app.tsx 2.45 KiB {1} [built] [1 error]

      [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

[265] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/footer/footer.tsx 348 bytes {1} [built]

      [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> factory:734ms building:18141ms dependencies:9785ms = 39739ms

[298] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header.tsx + 7 modules 6.12 KiB {1} [built] [7 errors]

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header.tsx 1.66 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> factory:734ms building:18141ms dependencies:9785ms = 39739ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header-components.tsx 1.05 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> factory:12633ms building:18057ms dependencies:2ms = 60646ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/index.ts 80 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> factory:12633ms building:18057ms dependencies:2ms = 60646ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/account.tsx 971 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> [] 30690ms -> factory:246ms building:3950ms dependencies:222ms = 65062ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/admin.tsx 994 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> [] 30690ms -> factory:246ms building:3950ms dependencies:222ms = 65062ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/entities.tsx 207 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> [] 30690ms -> factory:246ms building:3950ms dependencies:222ms = 65062ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/menu-item.tsx 528 bytes [built]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> [] 30690ms -> [] 4196ms -> factory:225ms building:552ms dependencies:1ms = 65618ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/menu-components.tsx 624 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> [] 30690ms -> [] 4196ms -> factory:225ms building:552ms dependencies:1ms = 65618ms

[299] ./src/main/webapp/app/routes.tsx + 4 modules 6.16 KiB {1} [built] [4 errors]

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/routes.tsx 1.28 KiB [built] [1 error]m

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> factory:734ms building:18141ms dependencies:9785ms = 39739ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/logout.tsx 1.05 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> factory:12690ms building:963ms dependencies:930ms = 44537ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/home/home.tsx 3.21 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> factory:12690ms building:963ms dependencies:930ms = 44537ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/entities/index.tsx 269 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> factory:12690ms building:963ms dependencies:930ms = 44537ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/page-not-found.tsx 300 bytes [built]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> [] 18875ms -> factory:12690ms building:963ms dependencies:930ms = 44537ms

[648] ./src/main/webapp/app/app.scss 39 bytes {1} [built]

      [] 8176ms -> [263] 2903ms -> factory:734ms building:18141ms dependencies:9785ms = 39739ms

[660] ./src/main/webapp/app/index.tsx + 9 modules 14.3 KiB {1} [built] [6 errors]

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/index.tsx 1.17 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     factory:486ms building:7690ms = 8176ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/devtools.tsx 479 bytes [built]

      |     [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/store.ts 1.02 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/axios-interceptor.ts 784 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/icon-loader.ts 2.46 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> factory:66ms building:2837ms dependencies:3392ms = 14471ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/index.ts 595 bytes [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [] 2903ms -> factory:210ms building:5501ms dependencies:730ms = 17520ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/error-middleware.ts 1.23 KiB [built]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [] 2903ms -> factory:210ms building:5501ms dependencies:730ms = 17520ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/notification-middleware.ts 4.82 KiB [built]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [] 2903ms -> factory:210ms building:5501ms dependencies:730ms = 17520ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/logger-middleware.ts 345 bytes [built]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [] 2903ms -> factory:210ms building:5501ms dependencies:730ms = 17520ms

      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/user-management.ts 1.18 KiB [built] [1 error]

      |     [] 8176ms -> [] 2903ms -> [] 5711ms -> factory:676ms building:8963ms dependencies:6ms = 26435ms

    + 654 hidden modules

ERROR in ./src/main/webapp/app/entities/index.tsx

Module Error (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):


  5:32  error  Unable to resolve path to module 'app/shared/error/error-boundary-route'  import/no-unresolved
pascalgrimaud commented 4 years ago

@DanielFran : I'm changing the label and removed 'bug' label as we don't have any information asked in issue template to reproduce. Unless you manage to reproduce ?

ghost commented 4 years ago

To reproduce the issue, as commented by the begin:

pascalgrimaud commented 4 years ago

I just gave a try. Here my result:

I used jhipster --skip-server, it doesn't work (and it's normal):

11:11:18 in ~/tmp/04-issue-11005 
➜ jhipster --skip-server                      
INFO! Using JHipster version installed globally
INFO! Running default command
INFO! Executing jhipster:app
INFO! Options: skipServer: true, from-cli: true, skip-server: true

        ██╗ ██╗   ██╗ ████████╗ ███████╗   ██████╗ ████████╗ ████████╗ ███████╗
        ██║ ██║   ██║ ╚══██╔══╝ ██╔═══██╗ ██╔════╝ ╚══██╔══╝ ██╔═════╝ ██╔═══██╗
        ██║ ████████║    ██║    ███████╔╝ ╚█████╗     ██║    ██████╗   ███████╔╝
  ██╗   ██║ ██╔═══██║    ██║    ██╔════╝   ╚═══██╗    ██║    ██╔═══╝   ██╔══██║
  ╚██████╔╝ ██║   ██║ ████████╗ ██║       ██████╔╝    ██║    ████████╗ ██║  ╚██╗
   ╚═════╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝ ╚═══════╝ ╚═╝       ╚═════╝     ╚═╝    ╚═══════╝ ╚═╝   ╚═╝


Welcome to JHipster v6.5.1
Application files will be generated in folder: /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005

  Documentation for creating an application is at https://www.jhipster.tech/creating-an-app/
  If you find JHipster useful, consider sponsoring the project at https://opencollective.com/generator-jhipster

? What is the base name of your application? jhipster
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: When using skip-server flag, you must pass a database option and authentication type using --db and --auth flags
    at Environment.error (/home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-environment/lib/environment.js:176:40)
    at module.exports.error (/home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/generators/generator-base.js:1464:18)
    at module.exports.validateSkipServer (/home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/generators/client/index.js:155:26)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/index.js:424:27)
    at /home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/node_modules/run-async/index.js:25:25
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at /home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/node_modules/run-async/index.js:24:19
    at /home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/index.js:425:13
    at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)
Emitted 'error' event on Generator instance at:
    at Immediate.<anonymous> (/home/pgrimaud/projects/jhipster/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/index.js:433:22)
    at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)

So I used jhipster --skip-server --db mysql --auth jwt, here the logs:

11:11:27 in ~/tmp/04-issue-11005 
➜ jhipster --skip-server --db mysql --auth jwt
INFO! Using JHipster version installed globally
INFO! Running default command
INFO! Executing jhipster:app
INFO! Options: skipServer: true, db: mysql, auth: jwt, from-cli: true, skip-server: true

        ██╗ ██╗   ██╗ ████████╗ ███████╗   ██████╗ ████████╗ ████████╗ ███████╗
        ██║ ██║   ██║ ╚══██╔══╝ ██╔═══██╗ ██╔════╝ ╚══██╔══╝ ██╔═════╝ ██╔═══██╗
        ██║ ████████║    ██║    ███████╔╝ ╚█████╗     ██║    ██████╗   ███████╔╝
  ██╗   ██║ ██╔═══██║    ██║    ██╔════╝   ╚═══██╗    ██║    ██╔═══╝   ██╔══██║
  ╚██████╔╝ ██║   ██║ ████████╗ ██║       ██████╔╝    ██║    ████████╗ ██║  ╚██╗
   ╚═════╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝ ╚═══════╝ ╚═╝       ╚═════╝     ╚═╝    ╚═══════╝ ╚═╝   ╚═╝


Welcome to JHipster v6.5.1
Application files will be generated in folder: /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005

  Documentation for creating an application is at https://www.jhipster.tech/creating-an-app/
  If you find JHipster useful, consider sponsoring the project at https://opencollective.com/generator-jhipster

? What is the base name of your application? jhipster
? Which *Framework* would you like to use for the client? React
? Would you like to use a Bootswatch theme (https://bootswatch.com/)? Default JHipster
? Would you like to enable internationalization support? No
? Besides JUnit and Jest, which testing frameworks would you like to use? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
? Would you like to install other generators from the JHipster Marketplace? No
   create .prettierrc
   create .prettierignore
   create .eslintrc.json
   create .eslintignore
   create .editorconfig
   create webpack/logo-jhipster.png
   create webpack/webpack.common.js
   create webpack/webpack.dev.js
Git repository initialized.
   create webpack/webpack.prod.js
   create webpack/utils.js
   create .huskyrc
   create .lintstagedrc.js
   create postcss.config.js
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_0.svg
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_1.svg
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_2.svg
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_3.svg
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_0_head-192.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_1_head-192.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_2_head-192.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_3_head-192.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_0_head-256.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_1_head-256.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_2_head-256.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_3_head-256.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_0_head-384.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_1_head-384.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_2_head-384.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_3_head-384.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_0_head-512.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_1_head-512.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_2_head-512.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/jhipster_family_member_3_head-512.png
   create src/main/webapp/content/images/logo-jhipster.png
   create src/main/webapp/swagger-ui/index.html
   create src/main/webapp/swagger-ui/dist/images/throbber.gif
   create src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
   create src/main/webapp/favicon.ico
   create src/main/webapp/robots.txt
   create src/main/webapp/404.html
   create src/main/webapp/index.html
   create src/main/webapp/manifest.webapp
   create package.json
   create tsconfig.json
   create tsconfig.test.json
   create src/main/webapp/content/css/loading.css
   create src/main/webapp/app/app.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/index.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/routes.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/typings.d.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/constants.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/axios-interceptor.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/devtools.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/error-middleware.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/logger-middleware.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/notification-middleware.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/store.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/config/icon-loader.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/app.scss
   create src/main/webapp/app/_bootstrap-variables.scss
   create src/main/webapp/app/entities/index.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/home/home.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/logout.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/login.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/login-modal.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/home/home.scss
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/index.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/action-type.util.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/authentication.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/application-profile.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/index.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/activate/activate.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password/password.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/register/register.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password-reset/init/password-reset-init.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password-reset/finish/password-reset-finish.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/settings/settings.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/register/register.reducer.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/activate/activate.reducer.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password-reset/password-reset.reducer.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password/password.reducer.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/settings/settings.reducer.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/index.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/configuration/configuration.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/docs/docs.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/health/health.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/health/health-modal.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/logs/logs.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/metrics/metrics.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/administration.reducer.ts
   create src/test/javascript/jest.conf.js
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/audits/audits.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/user-management/index.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/user-management/user-management.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/user-management/user-management-update.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/user-management/user-management-detail.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/user-management/user-management-delete-dialog.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/modules/administration/user-management/user-management.reducer.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/footer/footer.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header-components.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/index.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/admin.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/account.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/entities.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/menu-components.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/menu-item.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/password/password-strength-bar.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/util/date-utils.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/util/pagination.constants.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/util/entity-utils.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/auth/private-route.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/error-boundary.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/error-boundary-route.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/page-not-found.tsx
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/model/user.model.ts
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header.scss
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/footer/footer.scss
   create src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/password/password-strength-bar.scss
   create src/test/javascript/spec/enzyme-setup.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/storage-mock.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/utils.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/config/axios-interceptor.spec.ts
   create .gitignore
   create .gitattributes
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/config/notification-middleware.spec.ts
   create sonar-project.properties
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/reducers/application-profile.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/reducers/authentication.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/util/entity-utils.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/auth/private-route.spec.tsx
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/error/error-boundary.spec.tsx
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/error/error-boundary-route.spec.tsx
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/layout/header/header.spec.tsx
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/shared/layout/menus/account.spec.tsx
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/modules/administration/administration.reducer.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/modules/account/register/register.reducer.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/modules/account/activate/activate.reducer.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/modules/account/password/password.reducer.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/modules/account/settings/settings.reducer.spec.ts
   create src/test/javascript/spec/app/modules/administration/user-management/user-management.reducer.spec.ts
   create README.md

I'm all done. Running npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.

npm WARN deprecated swagger-ui@2.2.10: No longer maintained, please upgrade to swagger-ui@3.
npm WARN deprecated @types/jest-diff@24.3.0: This is a stub types definition. jest-diff provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.

> husky@3.0.4 install /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005/node_modules/husky
> node husky install

husky > Setting up git hooks
husky > Done

> core-js@2.6.11 postinstall /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005/node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/core-js
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

> core-js@3.6.0 postinstall /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005/node_modules/global-agent/node_modules/core-js
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

> spawn-sync@1.0.15 postinstall /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005/node_modules/spawn-sync
> node postinstall

> yo@3.1.0 postinstall /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005/node_modules/yo
> yodoctor

Yeoman Doctor
Running sanity checks on your system

✔ No .bowerrc file in home directory
✔ Global configuration file is valid
✔ NODE_PATH matches the npm root
✔ No .yo-rc.json file in home directory
✔ Node.js version
✔ npm version
✖ yo version

Your yo version is outdated.

Upgrade to the latest version by running:
npm install -g yo@latest

Found potential issues on your machine :(

> husky@3.0.4 postinstall /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005/node_modules/husky
> opencollective-postinstall || true

Thank you for using husky!
If you rely on this package, please consider supporting our open collective:
> https://opencollective.com/husky/donate

npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN notsup Unsupported engine for availity-reactstrap-validation@2.5.1: wanted: {"node":">= 5.0.0","npm":"^3.0.0"} (current: {"node":"12.13.1","npm":"6.12.1"})
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: availity-reactstrap-validation@2.5.1
npm WARN bootstrap@4.3.1 requires a peer of jquery@1.9.1 - 3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN react-jhipster@0.9.0 requires a peer of axios@^0.18.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN eslint-config-jhipster@0.0.1 requires a peer of eslint-config-prettier@^6.1.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN eslint-config-jhipster@0.0.1 requires a peer of typescript@^3.4.5 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN eslint-config-jhipster-react@0.0.1 requires a peer of eslint-config-prettier@^6.1.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN eslint-config-jhipster-react@0.0.1 requires a peer of typescript@^3.4.5 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.11 (node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.11: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})

added 2297 packages from 1634 contributors and audited 906523 packages in 48.637s
found 8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 7 moderate)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
Application successfully committed to Git from /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005.

If you find JHipster useful consider sponsoring the project https://www.jhipster.tech/sponsors/

Client application generated successfully.

Start your Webpack development server with:
 npm start

> jhipster@0.0.1-SNAPSHOT cleanup /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005
> rimraf build/resources/main/static/

INFO! Congratulations, JHipster execution is complete!

Then, I used npm run webpack:prod, here the logs:

➜ npm run webpack:prod

> jhipster@0.0.1-SNAPSHOT webpack:prod /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005
> npm run cleanup && npm run webpack:prod:main

> jhipster@0.0.1-SNAPSHOT cleanup /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005
> rimraf build/resources/main/static/

> jhipster@0.0.1-SNAPSHOT webpack:prod:main /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005
> npm run webpack -- --config webpack/webpack.prod.js --profile

> jhipster@0.0.1-SNAPSHOT webpack /home/pgrimaud/tmp/04-issue-11005
> node --max_old_space_size=4096 node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js "--config" "webpack/webpack.prod.js" "--profile"

Starting type checking service...
Using 1 worker with 2048MB memory limit
Hash: a3e3b3efeb9cb3223cb0
Version: webpack 4.28.4
Time: 27209ms
Built at: 2019-12-21 11:14:34
                                                Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
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              swagger-ui/dist/lib/handlebars-4.0.5.js   69.8 KiB          [emitted]         
          swagger-ui/dist/lib/highlight.9.1.0.pack.js   10.7 KiB          [emitted]         
 swagger-ui/dist/lib/highlight.9.1.0.pack_extended.js  310 bytes          [emitted]         
              swagger-ui/dist/lib/jquery-1.8.0.min.js   89.9 KiB          [emitted]         
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                swagger-ui/dist/lib/jsoneditor.min.js    127 KiB          [emitted]         
                    swagger-ui/dist/lib/lodash.min.js   50.7 KiB          [emitted]         
                        swagger-ui/dist/lib/marked.js   15.4 KiB          [emitted]         
       swagger-ui/dist/lib/object-assign-pollyfill.js  349 bytes          [emitted]         
             swagger-ui/dist/lib/sanitize-html.min.js    127 KiB          [emitted]         
                 swagger-ui/dist/lib/swagger-oauth.js   6.88 KiB          [emitted]         
                    swagger-ui/dist/swagger-ui.min.js    442 KiB          [emitted]  [big]  
                                swagger-ui/index.html   7.25 KiB          [emitted]         
Entrypoint main [big] = content/vendors.a3e3b3efeb9cb3223cb0.css app/vendors.a3e3b3efeb9cb3223cb0.chunk.js content/main.a3e3b3efeb9cb3223cb0.css app/main.a3e3b3efeb9cb3223cb0.bundle.js
  [7] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/action-type.util.ts 324 bytes {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> [] 6653ms -> [120] 7413ms -> factory:38ms building:205ms = 23995ms
 [10] ./node_modules/reactstrap/es/index.js + 64 modules 108 KiB {3} [built]
      |    65 modules
 [12] ./node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js + 14 modules 28.7 KiB {3} [built]
      |    15 modules
 [30] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/authentication.ts 3.78 KiB {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
 [32] ./src/main/webapp/app/config/constants.ts 678 bytes {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> factory:3ms building:29ms = 9718ms
 [50] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/error-boundary.tsx 969 bytes {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
 [68] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/auth/private-route.tsx 2.39 KiB {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> factory:342ms building:5470ms dependencies:1412ms = 16910ms
[120] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/application-profile.ts 830 bytes {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> [] 6653ms -> factory:80ms building:7333ms dependencies:23ms = 23775ms
[175] (webpack)/buildin/harmony-module.js 573 bytes {3} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [42] 6679ms -> [118] 468ms -> factory:34ms building:66ms = 10254ms
[304] ./src/main/webapp/app/app.tsx 2.45 KiB {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
[306] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/footer/footer.tsx 348 bytes {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> factory:342ms building:5470ms dependencies:1412ms = 16910ms
[338] ./src/main/webapp/app/routes.tsx + 10 modules 22.6 KiB {2} [built]
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/routes.tsx 2.47 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> factory:342ms building:5470ms dependencies:1412ms = 16910ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/login.tsx 1.27 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/register/register.tsx 4.54 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/activate/activate.tsx 1.6 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password-reset/init/password-reset-init.tsx 1.87 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/account/password-reset/finish/password-reset-finish.tsx 2.71 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/logout.tsx 1.05 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/home/home.tsx 3.43 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/entities/index.tsx 269 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/error/page-not-found.tsx 300 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4428ms building:79ms dependencies:759ms = 20764ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/modules/login/login-modal.tsx 3.01 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> [] 4507ms -> factory:145ms building:615ms dependencies:1ms = 20766ms
[339] ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header.tsx + 7 modules 6.23 KiB {2} [built]
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header.tsx 1.66 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> factory:342ms building:5470ms dependencies:1412ms = 16910ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/header/header-components.tsx 1.03 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4335ms building:4708ms dependencies:1ms = 24542ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/index.ts 80 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> factory:4335ms building:4708ms dependencies:1ms = 24542ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/account.tsx 1000 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> [] 9043ms -> factory:456ms building:790ms dependencies:191ms = 25978ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/admin.tsx 1.07 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> [] 9043ms -> factory:456ms building:790ms dependencies:191ms = 25978ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/entities.tsx 207 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> [] 9043ms -> factory:456ms building:790ms dependencies:191ms = 25978ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/menu-item.tsx 528 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> [] 9043ms -> [] 1246ms -> factory:191ms building:90ms dependencies:0ms = 26068ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/layout/menus/menu-components.tsx 624 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> [] 5812ms -> [] 9043ms -> [] 1246ms -> factory:191ms building:90ms dependencies:0ms = 26068ms
[678] ./src/main/webapp/app/app.scss 39 bytes {2} [built]
      [] 3007ms -> [304] 6679ms -> factory:342ms building:5470ms dependencies:1412ms = 16910ms
[736] ./src/main/webapp/app/index.tsx + 8 modules 13.9 KiB {2} [built]
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/index.tsx 1.17 KiB [built]
      |     factory:218ms building:2789ms = 3007ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/devtools.tsx 479 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/store.ts 1.02 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/axios-interceptor.ts 1.01 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/icon-loader.ts 2.46 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> factory:107ms building:6572ms dependencies:12ms = 9698ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/shared/reducers/index.ts 1.06 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> factory:441ms building:6212ms dependencies:12ms = 16351ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/error-middleware.ts 1.23 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> factory:441ms building:6212ms dependencies:12ms = 16351ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/notification-middleware.ts 4.82 KiB [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> factory:441ms building:6212ms dependencies:12ms = 16351ms
      | ./src/main/webapp/app/config/logger-middleware.ts 345 bytes [built]
      |     [] 3007ms -> [] 6679ms -> factory:441ms building:6212ms dependencies:12ms = 16351ms
    + 732 hidden modules

WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
  app/vendors.a3e3b3efeb9cb3223cb0.chunk.js (1020 KiB)
  swagger-ui/dist/swagger-ui.min.js (442 KiB)
  content/images/jhipster_family_member_1.svg (447 KiB)

WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
  main (1.2 MiB)
pascalgrimaud commented 4 years ago

As I couldn't reproduce it, I'm closing the issue.

To help reproducing issue, we asked all our users to fill the template, including me, when I find an issue, I try to complete all the template and maximum information to help someone else to reproduce. As it could come from your Node Version, your JHipster version etc...