Closed khalidnouh closed 3 years ago
plz, provide all information in template, as we don't have any information to reproduce your issue
in this attached image you can see a dropdownlist of ids ,it shows only 21 item (in the database i have 31 items), i don't want to increase the size , so i need a way to get the other items in this list
You need to use jhipster info
and copy paste all information on your config.
Without this, we can't guess your config ? Is it with Angular ? React ? Is it with Cassandra ? Neo4j ? Is it Reactive or Mvc ? etc...
@pascalgrimaud i using angular
applicant-user-management@0.0.0 D:\Aman Repos\applicant-mgmt-ms
`-- (empty)
file generated in the root folder{ "generator-jhipster": { "applicationType": "microservice", "gitCompany": "", "baseName": "ApplicantUserManagement", "packageName": "", "packageFolder": "com/isoft/applicant/um", "serverPort": 8082, "serviceDiscoveryType": "eureka", "authenticationType": "uaa", "uaaBaseName": "uaa", "cacheProvider": "no", "enableHibernateCache": false, "websocket": false, "databaseType": "sql", "devDatabaseType": "postgresql", "prodDatabaseType": "postgresql", "searchEngine": false, "enableSwaggerCodegen": false, "messageBroker": false, "buildTool": "maven", "useSass": true, "clientPackageManager": "npm", "testFrameworks": [], "enableTranslation": true, "nativeLanguage": "en", "languages": ["ar-ly", "en"], "clientFramework": "angularX", "jhiPrefix": "jhi", "jhipsterVersion": "6.7.1", "embeddableLaunchScript": false, "creationTimestamp": 1583139421728, "entitySuffix": "", "dtoSuffix": "DTO", "otherModules": [], "blueprints": [], "skipClient": true, "skipUserManagement": true }, "git-provider": "GitHub", "git-company": "mamdouh87", "repository-name": "applicant-usermgmt-ms" }
files generated in the .jhipster
directoryentity Applicant { userId Integer, type Integer, status Integer, category Integer, code String, centerId Integer } entity PersonalDetails { fullName String, mobileNo String, nationalId String, passportKey String, firstName String, middleName String, lastName String, familyName String, birthDate LocalDate, passportIssueCountry String, email String, position String } relationship OneToOne { Applicant{personalDetails} to PersonalDetails } dto Applicant, PersonalDetails with mapstruct paginate Applicant, PersonalDetails with pagination service Applicant, PersonalDetails with serviceImpl microservice Applicant, PersonalDetails with ApplicantUserManagement filter Applicant, PersonalDetails clientRootFolder Applicant, PersonalDetails with applicant-mgmt-ms
java version "1.8.0_241" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode)
git version
node: v12.5.0
npm: 6.9.0
yeoman: 3.1.1
identical .jhipster\Applicant.json identical .jhipster\PersonalDetails.json INFO! Congratulations, JHipster execution is complete!
@pascalgrimaud if there is any shortcut to swap between elements in the drop down list?
@pascalgrimaud i need your help sir
As you choose pagination, the findAll method return a Page. If you want to get all elements, remove the pagination, or modify your code to return a full list. But don't forget that if your table have a lot of entries (more than 1000), the selection will be painful for the end user.
I'm closing this, as there is no bug in JHipster : it's the normal behavior of generated projects with JHipster.
in a microservice spring boot app ,when I invoke a rest like this
the error occurred in generatePaginationHttpHeaders ,although it works fine in another microservice with the same configurations