jhipster / generator-jhipster

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Call methods in templates instead of creating properties in entity jsons #1753

Closed andidev closed 9 years ago

andidev commented 9 years ago

Instead of creating json properties to hold data needed in the templates we should create methods that can be called from the templates to get the data wanted.

The property fieldNameCapitalized, fieldNameUnderscored, fieldInJavaBeanMethod is today stored in each field, e.g.

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "Data",
      "fieldNameUnderscored": "data",
      "fieldInJavaBeanMethod": "Data",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String",
      "fieldIsEnum": false

and then used in the templates as e.g.

    @Field("<%=fields[fieldId].fieldNameUnderscored %>")<% } %>
    private <%= fields[fieldId].fieldType %> <%= fields[fieldId].fieldName %>;

instead of using properties we should expose the methods in the template context that does the capitalization, etc. e.g.

    @Field("<%=underscored(fields[fieldId].fieldName) %>")<% } %>
    private <%= fields[fieldId].fieldType %> <%= fields[fieldId].fieldName %>;

This will make the entity jsons a lot more cleaner.

I think we can replace the following properties with methods as well

    "fieldsContainOwnerManyToMany": false,
    "fieldsContainOwnerOneToOne": true,
    "fieldsContainOneToMany": false,
    "fieldsContainLocalDate": false,
    "fieldsContainCustomTime": false,
    "fieldsContainBigDecimal": false,
    "fieldsContainDateTime": false,
    "fieldsContainDate": false,
    "fieldsContainBlob": false,
gmarziou commented 9 years ago

Unless I misunderstood your proposition, I can see 2 cases where it would not work:

deepu105 commented 9 years ago

@andidev I too think its good to have the flexibility to change the names in the json, but the second part concerning the dates are annoying as it causes error if you forget to change when modifying any json by hand so if that can be avoided that will be great i guess. as @gmarziou said we should think of Jhipster UML as well @MathieuAA any comments on this?

andidev commented 9 years ago

The customization is a strong argument. Did not think of that. Though I'm not sure why the user would ever want to change the fieldNameCapitalized and fieldInJavaBeanMethod properties. Note that the field name would still be modifiable and therefore the fieldNameCapitalized and fieldInJavaBeanMethod property values as well. The only thing that is not modifiable is how the capitalization and java bean capitalization is done. But most probably I am wrong and there is some use-case where one needs to change them.

One thing for sure is that at least we could replace

    "fieldsContainOwnerManyToMany": false,
    "fieldsContainOwnerOneToOne": true,
    "fieldsContainOneToMany": false,
    "fieldsContainLocalDate": false,
    "fieldsContainCustomTime": false,
    "fieldsContainBigDecimal": false,
    "fieldsContainDateTime": false,
    "fieldsContainDate": false,
    "fieldsContainBlob": false,

with methods instead since the information is in the json. The only problem is that you have to loop through it to find the information. So any external tool can still access it.

Awaiting @MathieuAA to comment this.

MathieuAA commented 9 years ago

First, let me just say that this would be a great improvement!

From a JHipster-UML-y point of view, @CarlKlagba and I would really like to remove the code that generates things like "fieldNameCapitalized", or "fieldNameUnderscored". It's pretty straightforward to make this change (as far as I can see, only code removal is needed, no addition whatsoever).

However, having played with the templates a bit, I must say that changing them would be quite painful... especially for the Entity sub-generator.

Having said that, here's my opinion:

Frankly, I would love to break everything (the JSON generation code), take only the good parts, and build a better JSON generating system. But that's what I want. @CarlKlagba, do you have an input on this?

gmarziou commented 9 years ago

In some languages capitalization like pluralization can be a complex task that our simple generator may always get wrong because it does not know the developer's locale.

gmarziou commented 9 years ago

@MathieuAA regarding painful templates, did you read my proposition in #1749? Do you think it would have helped you?

CarlKlagba commented 9 years ago

I am of @andidev opinion, we should remove properties in the JSON file. And I am with you @MathieuAA about the customization, we could make some fields optional, with a simple existence test in the function.

About the way to access the information after generation, with JHipster-UML, our only interface with the JHipster app is the JSON, so we unfortunately do not have the tool.

I talked I about it 2 or 3 mouths ago with @jdubois, - I don't want to put words in his mouth but- he told me that a user did a PR to create the JSON, and they were simple memory dump, and he never really took the time to optimize it.

I think we should re-think it to make it more human friendly, but in the meantime you can still use JDL ! =)

gmarziou commented 9 years ago

Just made some tests, the entity generator prevents you from using special characters in field names, so the risk for having incorrect capitalization is probably null.

MathieuAA commented 9 years ago

@gmarziou, I've read what you wrote, and I liked the idea (just didn't have the time to comment). Anything to make any generator less problematic to handle is (generally) a good idea. And yes, it would have helped me. Both ideas (the one exposed here and your previous idea) are good to take.

deepu105 commented 9 years ago

@andidev @gmarziou yes it would be nice if we can remove this

"fieldsContainOwnerManyToMany": false,
    "fieldsContainOwnerOneToOne": true,
    "fieldsContainOneToMany": false,
    "fieldsContainLocalDate": false,
    "fieldsContainCustomTime": false,
    "fieldsContainBigDecimal": false,
    "fieldsContainDateTime": false,
    "fieldsContainDate": false,
    "fieldsContainBlob": false,

without having to loop, but even if we loop i dont think thats a big deal given these json are not that huge, we can find types from the fieldType and do imports accordingly. Regarding the naming fields i was wondering the same why would someone need both fieldNameCapitalized and fieldInJavaBeanMethod I guess we can make the json more readable by using something like below, even the fieldIsEnum seems unwanted

"fields": [
      "fieldId": 1, // is this even used anywhere?
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "Data", // i guess this would be modified very rarely
      "fieldNameUnderscored": "data",  // this might be modified often
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String"  // enum type should be put here

@MathieuAA @CarlKlagba I loved the idea of JDL may be we can make it and the entity json very similar in structure, I was thinking of doing a visual editor for JDL like this - http://deepu105.github.io/svg-seq-diagram/ and this - http://deepu105.github.io/svg-seq-diagram/plantUML.html , just need to find some time. Your JDL structure is very similar to plant uml structure

CarlKlagba commented 9 years ago

@deepu105 Woo ! That looks great. If we could also do the opposite we could use it to make a class diagram editor.

gmarziou commented 9 years ago

Nice changes but it seems to be a breaking compatibility change, so should it be done on 3.0 branch?

andidev commented 9 years ago

@gmarziou , @deepu105 , @MathieuAA , @CarlKlagba So after reading all answers maybe I have a solution that will make everybody happy and even solve issue #1754 if we do it correctly.

So what if we do it like this:

By default stop saving redundant information into the entity json files. This means

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "Data",
      "fieldNameUnderscored": "data",
      "fieldInJavaBeanMethod": "Data",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String",
      "fieldIsEnum": false

would be saved as

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String"

instead when running the generator, generate the missing data into the json object available in the template context so it looks as it should (without saving it to the entity json file of course)

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "Data",
      "fieldNameUnderscored": "data",
      "fieldInJavaBeanMethod": "Data",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String",
      "fieldIsEnum": false

but only load data that does not already exists in the entity json object saved to file, if one would want to override the data one could then easily do that by adding e.g. "fieldNameCapitalized": "DATA", to the entity json file

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "DATA",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String"

this solution partially fixes #1754 since it solves the issue when fieldInJavaBeanMethod": "Country" is missing from the entity json file. Though to make this solution fully solve the issue lets also make sure to add default values to data that actually should be included in the entity json file e.g. "fieldValidate": false. e.g.

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldType": "String"

would still be valid and when after loading the data that will be available in the template context it would look like it should

  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "data",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "Data",
      "fieldNameUnderscored": "data",
      "fieldInJavaBeanMethod": "Data",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String",
      "fieldIsEnum": false

though lets make sure that the generator maybe outputs an warning that the property is missing.

This would be a quite small change and it would only affect the index.js file and no template files. It would not break any backward compability. It would still allow the flexibility to override entity json properties. It would make the entity json files a lot more readable and easier to modify. It would make it a lot easier to update entities with newer jhipster versoins. Looping is only done once when loading the missing data. The only drawback that I can see is that overriding properties are a bit more difficult since it is not clear which properties exists to override, but this could be documented.

Applying this change would reduce the json file from e.g.

  "relationships": [
      "relationshipId": 1,
      "relationshipName": "child",
      "relationshipNameCapitalized": "Child",
      "relationshipFieldName": "child",
      "otherEntityName": "child",
      "otherEntityNameCapitalized": "Child",
      "relationshipType": "many-to-one",
      "otherEntityField": "id"
  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "firstName",
      "fieldNameCapitalized": "FirstName",
      "fieldNameUnderscored": "first_name",
      "fieldInJavaBeanMethod": "FirstName",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String",
      "fieldIsEnum": false
  "fieldsContainOwnerOneToOne": false,
  "fieldsContainOwnerManyToMany": false,
  "fieldsContainOneToMany": false,
  "fieldsContainLocalDate": false,
  "fieldsContainCustomTime": false,
  "fieldsContainBigDecimal": false,
  "fieldsContainDateTime": false,
  "fieldsContainDate": false,
  "changelogDate": "20150329233141",
  "dto": "no",
  "pagination": "no",
  "validation": false


  "relationships": [
      "relationshipId": 1,
      "relationshipName": "child",
      "otherEntityName": "child",
      "relationshipType": "many-to-one",
      "otherEntityField": "id"
  "fields": [
      "fieldId": 1,
      "fieldName": "firstName",
      "fieldValidate": false,
      "fieldType": "String"
  "changelogDate": "20150329233141",
  "dto": "no",
  "pagination": "no"

Hope this makes sense.

deepu105 commented 9 years ago

@andidev this is def better than the current impl, +1 from me

MathieuAA commented 9 years ago

If I understand correctly, you'd have an object in memory have all the needed info, but write a JSON that only contains what's really useful (and that can be overriden if needed), so that everything else could be deduced from it. You have my +1.

deepu105 commented 9 years ago

@andidev I guess if you are gonna attempt this then ill wait as I was thinking of doing this issue https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/issues/1721

andidev commented 9 years ago

You can do #1721 if you want. I have to finish #1468 first.

jdubois commented 9 years ago

Just to confirm: yes the current format wasn't something I thought of, so it definitely needs to be refactored.

Let me give you some explanation:

But of course, this is just the memory dump of something that wasn't meant to be saved to a JSON file! So if you can improve it, feel free to do it!

gmarziou commented 9 years ago

I'm developing a mobile hybrid app on top of Cordova/Ionic for few weeks and that will use JHipster as a backend, I am thinking about prototyping a separate ionic entity sub generator that would read the json format and generate ionic client side in another module. So anything that could simplify this entity JSON format would help.

andidev commented 9 years ago

@gmarziou Interesting, I have started working on it. I'll probably provide a PR next week.

gmarziou commented 9 years ago


andidev commented 9 years ago

So I think my work here is finally done.

Heres a list of the json properties that has been moved out from the json file into the memory:

relationship level

field level

root level

I've also added some validation to the json properties that are needed. If a property of importance is missing the generator will output e.g.

ERROR fieldName is missing in .jhipster/MyEntity.json for field with id 2

and exit the generator. For new properties that can have fallback values (e.g. when adding new features) a warning is displayed if the property is missing, e.g.

WARNING dto is missing in .jhipster/MyEntity.json, using no as fallback

Also it is possible to override any of the following in-memory properties by adding them to the json file:

relationship level

field level

I have done some heavy testing where I tested to generate all field types and relationships available for SQL and CASANDRA databases. I have compared the output of the generated source code before changes with after changes and they are the same. So the code should be ok to merge.

@MathieuAA , @CarlKlagba If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Is there any work on your side to do before we release these changes?

@jdubois I guess we should wait merging this after the next release?

deepu105 commented 9 years ago

+1 @andidev Can you plz test with enableTranslation:false as well just to make sure. and may be refactor the npm tests as well accordingly if needed. I guess the relationshipFieldName property will be overriden if user chooses that in entity generator rite?

MathieuAA commented 9 years ago

We will test it on our side and do some JSON cleaning, it should take long.

andidev commented 9 years ago

@deepu105 enableTranslation:false should not be a problem since it is a global project property living in .yo-rc.json. relationshipFieldName property is never asked in the entity generator rite and therefore it is not overridden. Though it could be overridden if wanted in the entity.json file.

cbornet commented 9 years ago

@gmarziou for your ionic client, you could probably make a swagger-codegen client. That would interest a lot of people I think.