jhipster / generator-jhipster

JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.
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JDL import: This Generator is empty #22573

Closed JeroenAdam closed 1 year ago

JeroenAdam commented 1 year ago
JDL import fails with existing .jdl

I created a new v8.0-beta app and try to import an existing .jdl which worked fine on v7.9.2. I had to add the expression 'with builtInEntity' for the relationships with User, that's all I changed.

I copy/pasted my .jdl into jdl studio and there are no errors (excluded 'with builtInEntity' changes).

The following error: ERROR! This Generator is empty. Add at least one method for it to run.

I think I'm missing the application declaration in the .jdl. I'll check and try to apply the docs from my side.

Complete error
Welcome to JHipster v8.0.0-beta.1

INFO! Generating jdls jhipster-jdl.jdl
info: The filter option is set for EducationalResource, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Subject, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Topic, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Skill, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Votes, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Notification, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Message, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for Favorite, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.
info: The filter option is set for UserExtended, the 'serviceClass' value for the 'service' is gonna be set for this entity if no other value has been set.

  Documentation for creating an application is at https://www.jhipster.tech/creating-an-app/

  Application files will be generated in folder: C:\Users\Adam\projects\ta3lim

ERROR! ERROR! This Generator is empty. Add at least one method for it to run.
Error: This Generator is empty. Add at least one method for it to run.
    at SpringWebsocketGenerator.queueOwnTasks (file:///C:/Users/Adam/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-generator/dist/actions/lifecycle.js:181:19)
    at SpringWebsocketGenerator._queueTasks (file:///C:/Users/Adam/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-generator/dist/actions/lifecycle.js:302:14)
    at SpringWebsocketGenerator.queueTasks (file:///C:/Users/Adam/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-generator/dist/actions/lifecycle.js:298:20)
    at async runLoop.add.once (C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\generator-jhipster\node_modules\yeoman-environment\lib\environment.js:1441:28)
ERROR! Unhandled promise rejection at:
FATAL! Error: This Generator is empty. Add at least one method for it to run.

.yo-rc.json file
  "applicationType": "monolith",
  "authenticationType": "oauth2",
  "baseName": "ta3lim",
  "buildTool": "maven",
  "cacheProvider": "caffeine",
  "clientFramework": "react",
  "clientTheme": "none",
  "creationTimestamp": 1686931709024,
  "cypressAudit": false,
  "cypressCoverage": null,
  "databaseType": "sql",
  "devDatabaseType": "h2Disk",
  "devServerPort": 9060,
  "dtoSuffix": "DTO",
  "enableGradleEnterprise": null,
  "enableHibernateCache": true,
  "enableSwaggerCodegen": false,
  "enableTranslation": true,
  "entities": [],
  "entitySuffix": "",
  "gradleEnterpriseHost": null,
  "jhiPrefix": "jhi",
  "jhipsterVersion": "8.0.0-beta.1",
  "languages": [
  "messageBroker": false,
  "microfrontend": false,
  "microfrontends": [],
  "nativeLanguage": "en",
  "packageFolder": "com/ta3lim/app",
  "packageName": "com.ta3lim.app",
  "pages": [],
  "prodDatabaseType": "mysql",
  "reactive": false,
  "searchEngine": "elasticsearch",
  "serverPort": null,
  "serverSideOptions": [
  "serviceDiscoveryType": false,
  "skipCheckLengthOfIdentifier": false,
  "skipClient": false,
  "skipFakeData": false,
  "skipUserManagement": true,
  "testFrameworks": [
  "websocket": "spring-websocket",
  "withAdminUi": true
my .jdl
entity EducationalResource {
  title String required
  creationDate LocalDate
  description String
  educationalResourceType EducationalResourceType
  ageRange AgeRange
  file Blob
  url String
  author String
  lastUpdated LocalDate
  activated Boolean
  views Long
  votes Long
  approvedBy String

enum EducationalResourceType {

entity Subject {
  label String
  creationDate LocalDate

entity Topic {
  label String
  creationDate LocalDate

entity Skill {
  label String
  creationDate LocalDate

enum AgeRange {
  AGE_ALL ("all ages")
  AGE_04_06 ("age 4-6")
  AGE_07_09 ("age 7-9")
  AGE_10_12 ("age 10-12")
  AGE_13_15 ("age 13-15")
  AGE_16_18 ("age 16-18")

entity Votes {

entity Notification {
    creationDate LocalDate
    notificationDate LocalDate
    notificationType NotificationType
    notificationText String
    isDelivered Boolean
    isDeleted Boolean

enum NotificationType {
  UNREAD_MESSAGES("Unread messages")
  ACCEPTED("Submission accepted")
  REJECTED("Submission rejected")

entity Message {
    creationDate LocalDate
    messageText String
    isDelivered Boolean

entity Favorite {
    creationDate LocalDate

entity UserExtended {
  lastLogin LocalDate
  aboutMe String
  occupation String
  socialMedia String
  civilStatus CivilStatus
  firstchild Children
  secondchild Children
  thirdchild Children
  fourthchild Children
  filesquota Integer
  approverSince LocalDate
  lastApproval LocalDate

enum Children {
  AGE_00_03 ("age 0-3")
  AGE_04_06 ("age 4-6")
  AGE_07_09 ("age 7-9")
  AGE_10_12 ("age 10-12")
  AGE_13_15 ("age 13-15")
  AGE_16_18 ("age 16-18")

enum CivilStatus {
  MARRIED ("Married")
  DIVORCED ("Divorced")
  WIDOWER ("Widower")
  SEPARATED ("Separated")
  SINGLE ("Single")
  ENGAGED ("Engaged")
  OTHER ("Other")

relationship OneToOne {
  UserExtended{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity

relationship ManyToOne {
  EducationalResource{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity
  Notification{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity
  EducationalResource{subject(label)} to Subject
  Votes{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity
  Votes{educationalResource(id)} to EducationalResource
  Favorite{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity
  Favorite{educationalResource(id)} to EducationalResource
  Message{receiver(login)} to User with builtInEntity
  Message{sender(login)} to User with builtInEntity

relationship ManyToMany {
  EducationalResource{topics(label)} to Topic{educationalresource(id)}
  EducationalResource{skills(label)} to Skill{educationalresource(id)}

paginate all with pagination
service all with serviceImpl
dto all with mapstruct
filter *

OS & other:: Windows 11, node v18.13.0, npm: 8.19.3, OpenJDK 17.0.2

JeroenAdam commented 1 year ago

Solved by adding he application declaration at the top of the .jdl