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Add an entity option to use fluent setters #3751

Closed cbornet closed 7 years ago

cbornet commented 7 years ago

Because fluent is much nicer !

jdubois commented 7 years ago

The entity is one of the core JHipster object, can we discuss this before? I'm not familiar with having a "fluent" setter on a domain object - I see the point, of course, but I've never seen those used on JPA entities, and wonder if there are any drawbacks or issues. Besides, I'm not sure everyone will want those (as I've never seen those used for domain objects), so that would mean dead code for a lot of people. Of course, if there are only advantages, we could also evangelize people to use those more!

deepu105 commented 7 years ago

Either we should use normal setters or fluent setters, having both might be lot of dead code. I don't see any downside in having fluent setters that follow the same naming convention like below

class Foo {

  private String bar;

  public String getBar() {
    return bar;

  public Foo setBar(String bar) {
    this.bar = bar;
    return this;
cbornet commented 7 years ago

I think setBar can lead to issues with JavaBean reflection so bar(String bar) would be better.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

I thought hibernate would complain if it didn't have the void setBar() method for its reflection but it seems to be OK so maybe we can remove it.

deepu105 commented 7 years ago

@cbornet what about mapstruct does it play well with this syntax

deepu105 commented 7 years ago

btw what issue do you foresee with JavaBean reflection?

cbornet commented 7 years ago

I don't know, something I read somewhere... Anyway, we can test with setBar() and if it works, it's just a matter of preference between setBar() or bar().

cbornet commented 7 years ago

As for mapstruct, I didn't test directly but I guess that it was tested OK by CI.

jdubois commented 7 years ago

you need setBar otherwise you are not following the JavaBean convention. Speaking of this, you should also return void, so I'm really not sure we should do this.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

That's why I duplicated the method. But on in other hand, I removed the void setBar method and both Jackson and Hibernate seem to be fine with it.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

To show the interest of fluent setters, compare

Foo foo = new Foo();


fooRepository.save( new Foo().myString("foo").myString2("bar") );

This is a simple example but it gets more and more interesting when structures get complex. Consider

Foo foo = new Foo();

Bar bar = new Bar();


barRepository.save( new Bar()
    .foo(fooRepository.save(new Foo()

With the fluent version, it almost reads as YAML !

Note: the repository save can probably be removed if the entities have CascadeType.ALL on their relationships. @jdubois Is there a reason why we don't set the relationships as CascadeType.ALL by default ?

jdubois commented 7 years ago
cbornet commented 7 years ago

I thought CascadeType.ALL (or persist) was used so that the entity is automatically added to the session. I need to check that again.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

If there is no JavaBean setter, Hibernate uses properties directly even if they are private (unlike standard JPA) and Jackson will both serialize and deserialize (as long as there is a getter). Now for the other frameworks that use the domain (mongo, ES, cassandra, liquibase ...) , I don't know the impact of not having a Javabean setter but it seems the CI tests where good.

My opinion would be to have both void setBar() and bar() generated to avoid issues with libraries that expect to have the JavaBean setter. JavaBean reflection will just ignore the bar() method.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

In java.beans.Introspector

                       } else if (void.class.equals(resultType) && name.startsWith(SET_PREFIX)) {
                            // Simple setter
                            pd = new PropertyDescriptor(this.beanClass, name.substring(3), null, method);
                            if (throwsException(method, PropertyVetoException.class)) {

so the void result type is checked before adding the method to the PropertyDescriptor list. Also a non-javabean method will just be ignored so it's safe to add them.

jdubois commented 7 years ago
cbornet commented 7 years ago

I tested that

PropertyDescriptor descriptor = new PropertyDescriptor("bar", Foo.class);

fails with

java.beans.IntrospectionException: Method not found: setBar

If the void setBar method is not present

cbornet commented 7 years ago

It's not really dead code : it's code that people may not use (even if they should :smile: ) and it's in generated code so it's a bit like a library : you don't really need to go see the internal code often.

But if you prefer to do it as an option or module I understand. Please tell me which one in that case.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

This reminds me that I wanted to add adders and removers on relationships Set. So that could be part of the package.

jdubois commented 7 years ago

It's just that people keep telling me JHipster generates too much code, and that they don't understand what is being generated. Of course, you could argue that if they don't understand the code, they shouldn't say there is too much code :-)

cbornet commented 7 years ago

So they want awesome features but no code. Like in magic ?

If you're ok, I'll do it as a silent option (no question asked) so that it can be configured in jhipster-uml/JDL

deepu105 commented 7 years ago

--option might be good. So that people who knows and uses these stuff can enable them when required

Thanks & regards, Deepu On 23 Jun 2016 02:49, "Christophe Bornet" notifications@github.com wrote:

So they want awesome features but no code. Like in magic ?

If you're ok, I'll do it as a silent option (no question asked) so that it can be configured in jhipster-uml/JDL

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cbornet commented 7 years ago

Yes, I'll add the command line option.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

Done. I'll add it to the JDL once this is merged.

deepu105 commented 7 years ago


jdubois commented 7 years ago

Then don't forget to document it on jhipster.github.io -> this is indeed a very nice option if you know what it does, and I'm sure a lot of people will like it And can you also add "insight" statistics -> if a lot of people use it, we can then convert it to a new question

cbornet commented 7 years ago

Yup, will do. As for the insight, I have already added this. Is there something missing ?

Also what should be the semantic for the JDL ? fluent-methods A,B ?

deepu105 commented 7 years ago

@cbornet I think it should be fluentMethods A,B follow the syntax for skipClient

cbornet commented 7 years ago

Also I just tried

        Foo foo = new Foo()
            .addBar(new Bar().mystr("bar1"))
            .addBar(new Bar().mystr("bar2"));

With a CascadeType.ALL on the OneToMany and the Bar entities where added to the DB. If I don't put CascadeType.ALL, they are not. So it does add the entities automatically without the need to call save().

cbornet commented 7 years ago

@deepu105 noted !

jdubois commented 7 years ago

For CascadeType.ALL-> yes, that's cascading the "many" entities, then that's because those are not already managed

I'd rather keep this with the default: I'd rather people learn how it works, than doing a surprise to people who already knows how it works

cbornet commented 7 years ago

No problem, it's not a big work to edit it by hand when you need it anyway.

Note : I should have written

        fooRepository.save( new Foo()
            .addBar(new Bar().mystr("bar1"))
            .addBar(new Bar().mystr("bar2")));


ghahramani commented 7 years ago

@jdubois Actually I converted all the jhipster setter to fluent style :D with no problems. I like this style it gets code much cleaner

cbornet commented 7 years ago

Remove "needs-discussion" label ?

jdubois commented 7 years ago

Yes let's do this, I agree with you!

jdubois commented 7 years ago

@cbornet maybe you could use those in some generated tests, so that people see how it should works? And if that's good, we could put this option as "true" by default... As we should push best practices to users, and that's definitely a good way to use the entities. My only concern is that we would need a lot of testing, to check if this works with all options (including MapStruct, Cassandra...)

cbornet commented 7 years ago

I have tested that javaBean reflection works correctly (both reading/writing) so if those libs use it they should be OK. At the beginning I had done it in the tests but since this is now an option, I removed it. Now, I could check the fluentMethods flag and generate the test accordingly.

cbornet commented 7 years ago

I have added the tests and now it's cross-tested by CI with Mongo and Cassandra. I haven't added a cross-test with mapstruct but it is easy to do if needed.

jdubois commented 7 years ago

No need to rush -> if we do a release tomorrow, it's a bit early to merge this anyway. But indeed I'd like to have this tested also with MapStruct. And we need to have MapStruct out of beta at some point :-)

jdubois commented 7 years ago

OK, this all looks good to me.

Now, 2 things:

jdubois commented 7 years ago

And the vote has started at https://twitter.com/java_hipster/status/760504585748447232

vladmihalcea commented 7 years ago

Although the JPA specification forbids Java Bean conventions violation, Hibernate is not so strict. For instance, you can run this test just fine. As long as you rely only on Hibernate, you should be fine. However, if you plan on supporting other JPA providers, the Fluent API might not work, so keep that in mind as well.

jdubois commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot @vladmihalcea !!! I didn't know it was a JPA spec violation, and in that case that's quite a big issue to me. It would also go against our Policy 1.

vladmihalcea commented 7 years ago

It's the 2.2 Persistent Fields and Properties section of the Java Persistence 2.1 spec that says:

In this case, for every persistent property property of type T of the entity, there is a getter method, getProperty, and setter method setProperty. For boolean properties, isProperty may be used as an alternative name for the getter method.[2]

For single-valued persistent properties, these method signatures are:

  • T getProperty()
  • void setProperty(T t)

Now, the spec needs to be generic in order to allow interoperability. In reality, JPA implementations might relax some requirements to provide a better developer experience.

Since you want to support any JPA provider, you might want to contact all major implementation and validate that the Fluent API is not breaking anything.

jdubois commented 7 years ago

Thanks again @vladmihalcea No we don't intend to support all JPA providers (just Hibernate, in fact), but we try to follow the "standard" usage of each technology (and so follow JPA, here). I'll wait until the vote is over: at the moment we have 70% votes for the "fluent setters"!

cbornet commented 7 years ago

The PR doesn't remove the java bean methods and it must not as some frameworks may use java bean reflection. The fluent methods are added methods with different signature so they don't disturb the reflection.

vladmihalcea commented 7 years ago

But you cannot have two setter methods whose signature only differ in the return valuue type. How are you going to address that?

cbornet commented 7 years ago

They differ in name : void setBar() vs Foo bar().

vladmihalcea commented 7 years ago

Seems legit.

jdubois commented 7 years ago

So the vote is over, 116 votes, 72% for the "fluent setters". Besides, we had a nice blog entry by @vladmihalcea about (see it here), and this was even tweeted by the official Java account (see it here). So an overall very clear vote for this.