Closed ymarec closed 6 years ago
I just tested it with our master branch and had no issue at all... And we didn't change this page this the last 4.x release...
On the failing line we're doing a this.adminPassword
to get the JHipster Registry password -> maybe that's the issue, are you sure you have a password?
Once you have deployed you'll have database access error - this is because you use MS SQL Server, and the database schema isn't correctly configured. I'll have a look, but help is welcome if you have time and want to help.
I really can't reproduce on our master branch, everything works fine, so I'm closing this. Maybe this was solved by moving to JHipster 5. For the SQL Server issue, I have solved it -> I'm going to open a specific ticket for this, and link it here
Overview of the issue
When I run the docker-compose subgenerator, for a microservice application and a JHipster gateway, I get the following error and the docker-compose file is not generated :
Reproduce the error
By creating a microservice and a gateway with all the default choices, the generator works. Here are the results of jhipster info for my microservice and my gateway for which the error occurs:
.yo-rc.json file
JDL entity definitions
.yo-rc.json file
JDL entity definitions
JHipster Version(s)
I am using a docker container : jhipster/jhipster:v4.14.1.
Environment and Tools openjdk version "1.8.0_151" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode) git version 2.7.4 node: v8.9.4 npm: 5.6.0 bower: 1.8.2 gulp: [10:31:43] CLI version 2.0.1 yeoman: 2.0.1 yarn: 1.5.1