jhipster / jdl-studio

JDL Studio is an online JHipster Domain Language visual editor
Apache License 2.0
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After saving jdl the url transforms to jdl-studio/#!/view/undefined and cannot move the diagram anymore #59

Open AdrielIclodean opened 5 years ago

AdrielIclodean commented 5 years ago

Used chrome browser.

The chrome console shows the following error 👍

Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'trace' of undefined at browser.runtime.sendMessage.response (chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/include.preload.js:1250:20) polyfill.js:123 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. at Object.value [as sendMessage] (polyfill.js:92) at initializeComposer (composer.postload.js:578) at Object. (composer.postload.js:590) at webpack_require (bootstrap 99b35345c5f7aa4bdb88:19) at Object. (bootstrap 99b35345c5f7aa4bdb88:62) at webpack_require (bootstrap 99b35345c5f7aa4bdb88:19) at bootstrap 99b35345c5f7aa4bdb88:62 at bootstrap 99b35345c5f7aa4bdb88:62 3app.js:247 Uncaught TypeError: de.diff is not a function at HTMLDivElement.y (app.js:247)

After this, I cannot move the diagram anymore and I need to refresh the page

Please check and see if you can find anything to solve this.

Thanks a lot!!

deepu105 commented 3 years ago

this needs to be revalidated