jhipster / jhipster-online

JHipster Online lets you generate your JHipster projects through a user friendly web interface.
Apache License 2.0
205 stars 138 forks source link

Try in Red Hat DevSpaces #449

Open maximilianoPizarro opened 1 month ago

maximilianoPizarro commented 1 month ago

Using Developer Sandbox

Taking a look at the Video Demo

  1. Login with your Red Hat Account. https://console.redhat.com/openshift/sandbox. Launch "OpenShift Dev Spaces".

  1. Import from Git and Open Terminal

  1. Update application-dev.yml file, database seccion using your NAMESPACE value.
#    url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb.<NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local:3306/jhipsteronline
#    username: jhipster
#    password: jhipster
  1. Run the database:
oc apply -f src/main/kubernetes/mysql.yaml
  1. Install and run the front-end:
yarn install && yarn start
  1. Run the back-end in other terminal:
./mvnw -Pdev