jhoblitt / puppet-selenium

Manages Selenium Server 2 - Standalone and Grid
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SSL error with wget #19

Closed EvgenIn closed 9 years ago

EvgenIn commented 9 years ago

I had an SSL error issue when running the module.

Maybe should add - nocheckcertificate => true

idleyoungman commented 9 years ago

This is the wget attemped:

# wget --no-verbose --output-document='/opt/selenium/jars/selenium-server-standalone-2.42.1.jar' 'https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/2.42/selenium-server-standalone-2.42.1.jar'
ERROR: certificate common name “*.googleusercontent.com” doesn’t match requested host name “selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com”.
To connect to selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com insecurely, use ‘--no-check-certificate’.
jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

@idleyoungman I'm planning to merge #19 as soon as there is some test coverage. Out of curiosity, what version of wget is on your system? I tested with 1.16.1 and did not get an error message, I suspect older versions of wget may not like SAN certs.

jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

27 adds a flag that could be used to work around this problem.