jhoblitt / puppet-selenium

Manages Selenium Server 2 - Standalone and Grid
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home folder and ssl sert #21

Closed EvgenIn closed 9 years ago

EvgenIn commented 9 years ago

Added selenium home folder managment and no SSL cert check. puppet-lint alingment

jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

Just FYI - it's considered bad form to have to unrelated changes as part of the same commit.

jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

@EvgenIn ping?

EvgenIn commented 9 years ago

I apologize for the delayed answer. Didn't notice the previous msg. The issue I was trying to resolve with the "nocheckcertificate => true" happened on an official CentOS 6.5 AMI on EC2. I can try to reproduce the error if you are interested.

jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

That would be great.

EvgenIn commented 9 years ago

It seems that all is working now, without any errors. I now think that the certificate issue was on the server side, not the client. I guess this change can be ignored now.

jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

That or a MITM attempt (seems unlikely on AWS) would be my guess.

What about the change to the user resource? Do we need to be more explicit about how that role account is setup? Setting the user/group as system => true probably won't hurt.

EvgenIn commented 9 years ago

To my knowledge, selenium user must have a home folder for the server to function. Taking into consideration that this module should build a fully working selenium setup, I thought that creating a home folder (not just the user) would be a desirable feature.

PS: Creating the 'selenium' user as a system user sounds like a good idea.

zivan commented 9 years ago

@jhoblitt i agree with @EvgenIn

maybe create system user 'selenium' was best decision because into defaults params use user/group 'selenium' but this user/group not exist into system.

i using the vagrant&puppet (vagrant use virtualbox centos6.5-64) and i set https://github.com/jhoblitt/puppet-selenium#user & https://github.com/jhoblitt/puppet-selenium#group the 'vagrant'

@EvgenIn if your use Amazon EC2 should set default ec2 user/group 'ec2-user' it work well for me.

anyway create system user 'selenium' or not it decision for @jhoblitt

to be, or not to be, creating the system user 'selenium' into this module

jhoblitt commented 9 years ago

@EvgenIn / @zivan user/group management was made optional by https://github.com/jhoblitt/puppet-selenium/commit/2911fa63160be607fe46f3f6ee76506fac9e0337 allowing management of the user and/or group resource(s) external to the module. This is is vastly more flexible than trying to expose parameters to those resources via the selenium class.

I'm going to go ahead and close this PR out (yikes has it been open for a long time). I would be happy to merge a PR to set the system attribute on the default user/group resources.