jhofscheier / ltex-utils.nvim

Implements code actions for the LTeX Language Server for neovim
MIT License
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[Issue] Problem working with lunarvim #1

Open monkeyxite opened 1 year ago

monkeyxite commented 1 year ago

First of all, good job done!

Trial several ltex lsp nvim extensions and yours most fits the trends :)

While combining with lunarvim, if just config with require("lvim.lsp.manager").setup("ltex") and README's recommandation seems none of the LTeXUtils commands could work, and no faulty log reported.

Tried both vimspell or w/o it.

jhofscheier commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your positive feedback! Glad that you find the plugin useful.

As I don't use LunarVim myself, I might need your help here. Could you confirm whether you are executing require("ltex-utils").on_attach(bufnr) within the on_attach function for ltex? Referring to the LunarVim suggested LaTeX setup, this could look something like this

-- Setup Lsp.
local capabilities = require("lvim.lsp").common_capabilities()
require("lvim.lsp.manager").setup("ltex", {
    on_attach = function ()
        require("lvim.lsp").common_on_attach(client, bufnr)
    on_init = require("lvim.lsp").common_on_init, -- probably not necessary?
    capabilities = capabilities, -- probably not necessary?

If you could provide further information, it would help to resolve your issue more effectively.

monkeyxite commented 1 year ago

Thank for your quick response! With the tips I move one step forward I suppose:

The way I config with lvim/lazy now is something like this now:

    dependencies = {
      "nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim", -- optional
    opts = {
      dictionary = {
        -- Path to the directory where dictionaries are stored.
        -- Defaults to the Neovim cache directory.
        path = vim.fn.expand("~") .. "/.local/share/ltex",
        ---Returns the dictionary file name for given language `lang`
        filename = function(lang)
          return lang .. ".txt"
        -- use vim internal dictionary to add unkown words
        use_vim_dict = false,
        -- show/suppress vim command output such as `spellgood` or `mkspell`
        vim_cmd_output = false,
      rule_ui = {
        -- key to modify rule
        modify_rule_key = "<CR>",
        -- key to delete rule
        delete_rule_key = "d",
        -- key to cleanup deprecated rules
        cleanup_rules_key = "c",
        -- key to jump to respective place in file
        goto_key = "g",
        -- enable line numbers in preview window
        previewer_line_number = true,
        -- wrap lines in preview window
        previewer_wrap = true,
        -- options for creating new telescope windows
        telescope = { bufnr = 0 },
      diagnostics = {
        -- time to wait for language tool to complete parsing document
        -- debounce time in milliseconds
        debounce_time_ms = 500,
        -- use diagnostics data for modifying hiddenFalsePositives rules
        diags_false_pos = true,
        -- use diagnostics data for modifying disabledRules rules
        diags_disable_rules = true,
    config = function(opts)
        capabilities = require("lvim.lsp").common_capabilities(),
        on_init = require("lvim.lsp").common_on_init, -- probably not necessary?

        on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
          -- your other on_attach code
          -- for example, set keymaps here, like
          -- vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>ca', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, opts)
          -- (see below code block for more details)
          require("lvim.lsp").common_on_attach(client, bufnr)
        settings = {
                            language = "en-US",
                            diagnosticSeverity = "information",
                            setenceCacheSize = 2000,
                            additionalRules = {
                                enablePickyRules = true,
                                motherTongue = "en-US",
                            trace = { server = "verbose" },
                            -- dictionary = "~/.config/lvim/dict/", -- added global dictionary path
                            completionEnabled = "true",
                            checkfrenquency = "edit",
                            statusBarItem = "true",
                            disabledRules = {},
                            -- hiddenFalsePositives = {},

While when run LTeUtil commands, some complains about setting, and tried to empty setting table to nil or create the json manually...

Error executing Lua callback: ...pack/lazy/opt/ltex-utils.nvim/lua/ltex-utils/actions.lua:118: attempt to index local 'client_settings' (a nil value)

So far, intend to "hardcoding" the ltex-setting to get everything up and running, and still sometime confused by opts and settings config described by README so far.

jhofscheier commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the additional information 😃

That's interesting. I have an idea what could be the issue. Could you try amending your config as follows?

    dependencies = {
      "nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim", -- optional
    opts = {
      ...-- what you have should be fine -> leave it unchanged
    config = function(opts)
        capabilities = require("lvim.lsp").common_capabilities(),
        on_init = require("lvim.lsp").common_on_init,
        on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
            require("lvim.lsp").common_on_attach(client, bufnr)
        settings = {
            ltex = {
                language = "en-US",
                diagnosticSeverity = "information",
                setenceCacheSize = 2000,
                additionalRules = {
                    enablePickyRules = true,
                    motherTongue = "en-US",
                trace = { server = "verbose" },
                -- dictionary = "~/.config/lvim/dict/", -- added global dictionary path
                completionEnabled = "true",
                checkFrequency = "edit",
                statusBarItem = "true",

Notice the additional key ltex right after settings. This seems to be the suggested way to configure ltex.

(Please also note that I changed checkfrenquency to checkFrequency.)

Let me know if this fixes the issue for your.

monkeyxite commented 1 year ago

Thanks it basically works now ;)

While, seems the dictionary opt did not work with such config.

Tried there, eventually dictionary using the stdpath cache one...

        -- path = vim.fn.expand("~") .. "/.local/share/ltex/",
        -- path = "/Users/xyz/.local/share/ltex/",
        -- path = vim.api.nvim_call_function("stdpath", {"cache"}) .. "/ltex/",

Further more, it might need some extra handling to store the config automatically (at least configurable), some time saw many xxx_lte.json files for buffers under edit, not even in the ft supported by ltex-ls, something like NvimTree_1__ltex.json (let me know if it needs extra ticket for this ...).

jhofscheier commented 1 year ago

Glad to hear that you managed to get the plugin working. Could you provide some more information about what exactly is not working with regards to the dictionary? Happy to help with that.

Thanks for pointing out the issue with "random" xxx_ltex.json files popping up. It should be fixed in the newest version. Please pull the update. Should the issue still persist, I'd be grateful if you would create another issue with some further details.

monkeyxite commented 1 year ago

Thanks, the radom buffer issue is fixed by latest update.

While, regarding the dictionary, seems my customised path is not effective... the newly added words via ltex-util is stored in cache and not the path defined in opts, which is called in config as you suggestion:

opts = {
      dictionary = {
        -- Path to the directory where dictionaries are stored.
        -- Defaults to the Neovim cache directory.
        path = vim.fn.expand("~") .. "/.local/share/ltex/",

    config = function(opts)

The same config as you suggested.