When I open a new markdown file (e.g., test.md), I get the following message once the ltex server starts up: No existing settings file yet. Will be generated automatically when file closed. If I immediately exit the file, no JSON file is created. If I select the code action "Hide false positive" and then exit the file, no JSON file is created (so the same diagnostic will be visible when I open the file again). If I add a word to the dictionary, the JSON file is created and everything going forward works as expected ("hide false positive" requests are saved to the JSON file, etc.).
Installed via lazy.nvim:
return {
dependencies = {
opts = {
dictionary = {
-- use vim internal dictionary to add unkown words
use_vim_dict = true,
-- show/suppress vim command output such as `spellgood` or `mkspell`
vim_cmd_output = false,
In my on_attach function:
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
if client.name == 'ltex' then
When I open a new markdown file (e.g.,
), I get the following message once the ltex server starts up:No existing settings file yet. Will be generated automatically when file closed.
If I immediately exit the file, no JSON file is created. If I select the code action "Hide false positive" and then exit the file, no JSON file is created (so the same diagnostic will be visible when I open the file again). If I add a word to the dictionary, the JSON file is created and everything going forward works as expected ("hide false positive" requests are saved to the JSON file, etc.).Installed via
:In my