jhogsett / EMA-VFI-WebUI

Advanced AI-Based Video Renovation UI Using EMA-VFI & Real-ESRGAN
MIT License
61 stars 4 forks source link

Made one click installer for it #151

Closed 2blackbar closed 1 year ago

2blackbar commented 1 year ago

Hey man, i did installer for it its for your webui , it creates own venv in folder and then you can just run webui to activate venv and have fun in webui, i have one issue i see, i can interpolate just one frame inbetwee, with more frames it just takes forever , there is no progressbar so i have no clue whats happening . Ok finally it did interpolate 7 frames in webui but its so slow its like snail speed compred to rife which is very fast... is that normal ?

feel free to include it no credit Contents

@echo off

REM Create the virtual environment python -m venv venv

REM Activate the virtual environment call venv\Scripts\activate.bat

REM Install dependencies pip install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121 pip install -U scikit-image pip install numpy pip install opencv-python pip install timm pip install tqdm pip install gradio pip install basicsr pip install realesrgan

echo Virtual environment set up and dependencies installed!

REM Ask if the user wants to run the webui.py script set /p run_webui="Do you want to run the webui.py script (Y/N)? " if /i "%run_webui%"=="Y" ( python webui.py )


EMA-VFI-WebUI install.zip

jhogsett commented 1 year ago

@2blackbar thanks I'll check it out. I noticed a couple things

it just takes forever ,

I am calling into the EMA-VFI code to do the interpolation. I have no control over what happens there and the timing. I can suggest:

there is no progressbar so i have no clue whats happening .

  • The progress bars are shown in the console
2blackbar commented 1 year ago

Yeah you download or clone repo yourself, this is just to run dependencies with no tinkering around and detecrive work but i might update it to get all the stuff