jhonderson / actual-http-api

Basic Actual Budget API exposed through HTTP endpoints
MIT License
40 stars 9 forks source link

Bearer Auth #15

Closed smdion closed 3 months ago

smdion commented 3 months ago

This may be a user issue and if so, close with zero prejudice.

I am looking at converting from YNAB, but I use the IMPORTJSON functionality in google sheets (via https://github.com/bradjasper/ImportJSON) to pull in transactional data for additional net worth tracking and Year over Year comparison of budgets.

In a google sheets cell I would put in :


Using the same thing, but for the Actual API I get forbidden or even going direct to the URL in a browser.


You are using OAS 3.1, which supports Bearer auth. Is this something that I am doing wrong or is bearer auth not supported. If not supported, do you know another way to pass auth thru a URL or do you have the ability to add bearer auth? (https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/bearer-authentication/)

I also understand this is a passion project and if its not something you want to add/support just say so and close.


jhonderson commented 3 months ago

This Actual API wrapper accepts the authentication token using headers, not query parameters. The library ImportJson doesn't support sending headers, but that can be solved as follows.

Create a function in your ImportJSON.gs script:

function ImportJSONFromActual(url, query, parseOptions) {
  var options = new Object();

  options["header"] = {"x-api-key": "<your-api-key>"};

  return ImportJSONAdvanced(url, options, query, parseOptions, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_);

And call it =ImportJSONFromActual("http://localhost:5007/v1/budgets/<account>/accounts/").

Or you can get more creative and create something like ImportJSONWithHeaders, adding a headers parameter so that you can specify any header from the google sheet.

Let us know how it goes.

jhonderson commented 3 months ago

See this related issue mentioning an alternative project: https://github.com/bradjasper/ImportJSON/issues/235

smdion commented 3 months ago

Thanks! @jhonderson I'll play around with this. Feel free to close!