Closed jhorstmann closed 5 months ago
Crazy idea, but the thrift grammar should consist of valid rust tokens, so should not even need procedural macros. Proof of concept:
fn skip_field(field_type: u8) { } macro_rules! thrift { (struct $identifier:ident { $($(#[$($attrss:tt)*])* $field_id:literal : $required_or_optional:ident $field_type:ident $(< $element_type:ident >)? $field_name:ident,)* }) => { pub struct $identifier { $($(#[$($attrss)*])* pub $field_name: required_or_optional!($required_or_optional field_type!($field_type $($element_type)?))),* } impl $identifier { pub fn fill(&mut self) { let mut last_field_id = 0_i16; loop { let field_type = 1_u8; // TODO if field_type == 0 { break; } match last_field_id { $($field_id => { self.$field_name.fill(); }),* _ => { skip_field(field_type); } } } } } } } macro_rules! field_type { (list $element_type:ident) => { Vec<$element_type> }; (set $element_type:ident) => { Vec<$element_type> }; (binary) => { Vec<u8> }; (string) => { String }; ($field_type:ident) => { $field_type }; } macro_rules! required_or_optional { (required $field_type:ty) => { $field_type }; (optional $field_type:ty) => { Option<$field_type> }; } thrift! { struct SomeStructure { /** doc */ 1: required i64 offset, 2: optional i64 length, 3: optional list<i64> foobar, 4: optional string data, } }
Crazy idea, but the thrift grammar should consist of valid rust tokens, so should not even need procedural macros. Proof of concept: