jhotmann / pinpoint

An Enhanced OwnTracks Server
MIT License
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Cannot see other people in the Owntracks app #37

Open vactomas opened 2 years ago

vactomas commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am testing out this SW of yours, and I ran into an issue. There are two users (for testing purposes), and both are connected using iOS app. Now, I can get it to publish the data, and in logs I can see that it is forwarding.

test-device (test) published to test/test/device: 
test-device (test) published to owntracks/test/device: {"_type":"lwt","tst":xxxxxxxxxx}
Forwarding packet to test/test/device
Forwarding packet to test2/test/device

The problem is, it doesn't show the other device in the app. Is there anything I can do to fix this misbehaviour?

vactomas commented 2 years ago


Also, I am getting this error.

jhotmann commented 2 years ago

@vactomas do you see any log messages with "_type":"location"? A lwt message is sent on connect when in MQTT mode but you won't see any locations until actual location messages arrive on the server. I'll have to look into the other error but I do not have any iOS devices to test with. If you're inside your network, make sure you have appropriate DNS/loopback configured if you're using a domain name.

vactomas commented 2 years ago

The second error is fixed now (or at least isn't a problem any more, I am not sure what caused it).

There are log messages with "_type":"location". I can see the device publishing.

test-device (test) published to owntracks/test/device: {"_type":"location","acc":xx,"alt":xx,"batt":xx,"bs":x,"BSSID":"xxxxx","conn":"x","created_at":xxxxxxxx,"lat":xxxxxx,"lon":xxxx,"m":x,"SSID":"xxxxxx","tid":"xx","tst":xxxxxxx,"vac":xx

I have censored the log, but you can still get the idea of what I get.

jhotmann commented 2 years ago

@vactomas does the iOS app allow you to view the app logs? On Android I can open the side menu, select Status, and then View Logs and see the app's own logs to help with troubleshooting.

vactomas commented 2 years ago

It doesn't seem like I can. There is no button for it anywhere.

vactomas commented 2 years ago

@jhotmann I switched to http mode (which has its issue), and it works nearly flawlessly.