jhschuster / homebridge-intesisweb

Homebridge plugin for IntesisHome devices
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Intesis ACcloud no longer a persistent connection? #9

Open brendan-Tas opened 2 years ago

brendan-Tas commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if this NPM is still maintained, or if others are experiencing my issues with intesis web, but I thought I'd post as I can't work out what's going on.

Basically the plugin is working and (according to the logs) still sending commands via homekit/siri but after an (as of yet uncertain) amount of time, the intesis cloud stops receiving or responding to them. I have to reset homebridge for it to work again. I assume that's because whatever connection is supposed to be maintained with the server is being disconnected or is non-persistent. This started a couple of months ago - before that the connection was fine.

I don't think its a particular issue with this plugin as I tried running the native intesis climate device on a homebridge docker set up on a diferent server and get the same disconnection issues after a while.

My homebridge setup is as recommended and pasted below.


{ "username": "####", "password": "####", "apiBaseURL": "https://accloud.intesis.com/", "configCacheSeconds": 30, "defaultTemperature": 21, "platform": "IntesisWeb" },