jhthorsen / app-mojopaste

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Whats the 'correct' way to set the Mojolicious secret #5

Closed djzort closed 9 years ago

djzort commented 9 years ago

Mojolicious needs a 'secret' to be set, as described at http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/FAQ#What-does-Your-secret-passphrase-needs-to-be-changed-mean

As a result of it not being set, I get this in my logs.

[Thu Dec 11 10:24:45 2014] [debug] Your secret passphrase needs to be changed!!!

I am wondering what the 'correct' way to set it in mojopaste is?

jhthorsen commented 9 years ago

There is no way. Why do you care?

  1. It's a debug message
  2. mojopaste does not use secret, since there's no session involved.
djzort commented 9 years ago

ok thanks.