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Sept29 Review #103

Closed jabrah closed 9 years ago

jabrah commented 9 years ago
jabrah commented 9 years ago

Could be a weird interaction with previous state information? Instead of manually cleaning up the view, try creating new ones.

jabrah commented 9 years ago

Hiding the 2nd draggable bar was inspired by discussion on how to resize the first column of the browser widget.


Both require access to the browsers underlying SplitLayoutPanel, which means extending and customizing the out of the box GWT CellBrowser.

jabrah commented 9 years ago

Lingering transcription issues: Looks like interesting data in the archive causes these.

Two possible solutions:

  1. Change data in the archive to rectify anomalies
  2. Maintain web site behavior by ignoring these and simply escaping the bad characters

Data in Question

  <lg type="couplet">
      <hi rend="rubric"><hi rend="init">L</hi>'Acteur</hi>
    <l n="11534">&gt;Si se veult taire Faulx Semblant</l>
    <milestone n="11193&gt;&lt;hi rend=" ed="lecoy" unit="line"/>
    <l n="11535">Mais Amours ne fait pas semblant</l>
    <milestone n="11194" ed="lecoy" unit="line"/>
  <lg type="couplet">
    <l n="18379">Que chescun a main<note type="critical">This word should be "nain".</note>&lt;/ le reno<expan>m</expan>me</l>
    <milestone n="18192" ed="lecoy" unit="line"/>
    <l n="18380">Qu'il soit plus grans q<expan>ue</expan> dis ieans</l>
    <milestone n="18194" ed="lecoy" unit="line"/>