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Viewer: Pin feature is currently not compatible with browser history navigation #421

Closed jabrah closed 5 years ago

jabrah commented 5 years ago

The "pin" feature of a given viewer window is supposed to let users prevent the window from being removed from view. It should also prevent the window from changing books/pages. However, the new history navigation enabled by persistent URLs do not respect a window's pin status.

(Note I use "window" and "panel" interchangeably)


Note pins should also be respected within multiple viewer panels.

jabrah commented 5 years ago

On review, I am not sure how the above situation should actually be handled. I would think that the Pin should not effect the behavior of the browser Back button as described above. Instead, the Pin should only effect normal browsing. At a minimum, the Pin status could be added to the history state, so it could be recreated as expected through browser navigation events.

However, we would need persistent URLs to work with multiple panels first, before we need to worry about this.