The Universal Short-Title Catalogue (USTC) has recently undergone an extensive redesign, in the process of which they have repatterned their URL permanlinks and thus managed to break all the links we have to their site.
For instance, try to open the USTC link to “Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie” at the bottom of the annotation panel on this page:
Fortunately, the individual record number for each USTC entry has remained the same, so it seems that the problem is one of switching URL patterns from the current
As reported by Matthew Symonds:
The Universal Short-Title Catalogue (USTC) has recently undergone an extensive redesign, in the process of which they have repatterned their URL permanlinks and thus managed to break all the links we have to their site.
For instance, try to open the USTC link to “Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie” at the bottom of the annotation panel on this page:
You will be taken to a blank page on USTC:
The intended permalink is now here:
Fortunately, the individual record number for each USTC entry has remained the same, so it seems that the problem is one of switching URL patterns from the current[recordnumber]
to the new pattern[recordnumber]