jhu-digital-manuscripts / rosa2

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Canvas id collisions in Manifests #439

Closed markpatton closed 4 years ago

markpatton commented 4 years ago

In https://jdm.library.jhu.edu/iiif-pres-dlmm/rose/MontpellierH438/manifest both 1r and an insert have the same id https://jdm.library.jhu.edu/iiif-pres-dlmm/rose/MontpellierH438/1r/canvas.

The id generation needs to be fixed and there should be testing against id collisions.

In addition the 1r folio of Hamilton 577 and the 1r frontmatter flyleaf collide and same issue with Montpellier H 246, f. 1r.

markpatton commented 4 years ago

Also annotation and annotation list collisions.

markpatton commented 4 years ago
