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Research finding feature misbehaves in DLMM #451

Open jabrah opened 4 years ago

jabrah commented 4 years ago

Seems like this feature has a bug in its behavior. If the rmap.context is not set it will attempt to resolve localhost:8000/. However if given some valid URL, it will attempt to resolve and parse that URL. In the case of DLMM, where this file doesn't exist, this will result in a JS console error about failing to parse.

This should not result in any loss of functionality for the DLMM viewer, since it does not use the "research finding" feature, but I believe the behavior described above is a bug. Instead, the research finding feature should never invoke the data load/parse if disabled.

Related config from AOR:

"researchFinding": {
  export": {
    "rmap": false
  "rmap": {
    "context": "build/mirador/aor_rmap_context.json",
    "url": "https://rmap-hub.org",
    "api": "/api/discos",
    "resolver": "/discos/"