Found a bug that caused file paths to be wrong in all filename txts on the Archive right now.
Suggest fix:
Rerun python | grep "Example .h5f path in the txt file" and confirm that the path shown is correct.
Then run python --write
Use the following command to confirm that only the new v0.4 files are uploaded: python costar_block_stacking_internet_archive_upload --include_ext '.txt'
And upload them for real: python costar_block_stacking_internet_archive_upload --include_ext '.txt' --upload
Found a bug that caused file paths to be wrong in all filename txts on the Archive right now.
Suggest fix:
python | grep "Example .h5f path in the txt file"
and confirm that the path shown is correct.python --write
python costar_block_stacking_internet_archive_upload --include_ext '.txt'
python costar_block_stacking_internet_archive_upload --include_ext '.txt' --upload