jhuapl-bio / pathogenesis-gene-ontology

An ontology for the functional annotation of genes and gene products involved in pathogenesis
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Transcription factor (of a pathogenic organism) that modulates the expression of genes that affect pathogenicity #192

Closed genegodbold closed 3 years ago

genegodbold commented 3 years ago

I realize this is vague, but it is the best I can formulate right now. We need a term for virulence that identifies a gene product as involved in controlloing/regulating pathogenesis and takes away the temptation to apply all the ontology terms of the regulated genes to the transcription factor.

For new term requests, please provide the following information:

Preferred term label

Transcription factor of a parasite that modulates the expression of genes that mediate pathogenesis in a host

Textual definition

This gene product acts as a transcription factor in a parasite that modulates the expression of genes of that parasite that are pathogenic for a host.

Examples: 1) Global transcription regulator FGP1 of Gibberella zeae (Wheat head blight fungus): FGP1 regulates many genes involving trichothecene toxin accumulation and several other pathogenic processes in Gibberella zeae. There are orthologs in other fungi [PMID22693448]. 2) Macrophage locus protein A (MglA) of Francisella tularensis: MglA and the stringent starvation protein A (SspA) interact with RNA polymerase and the pathogenicity island gene regulator (PigR) to activate transcription of the Francisella pathogenicity island [PMID26121147]-[PMID20445258]. 3) Histidine kinase GraS of Staphylococcus aureus: The two-component regulatory system GraRS positively regulates expression from the dltABCD operon which is responsible for the modification of negatively charged phosphate groups in the backbone of teichoic acids with D-alanine. This reduces bacterial surface charge and renders the bacterium more resistant to antimicrobial peptides and certain antibiotics [PMID18518949]. 4) Velvet complex subunit 2 of Botryotinia fuckeliana (This organism makes me pause every time I see the name): This is a component of the velvet transcription factor that influences development and is involved in resistance to oxidative stress. It may play a small and indirect role in the ability of the fungus to cause disease but this is not entirely clear [PMID25625818]. 5) pH-response transcription factor pacC/RIM101 from Aspergillus parasiticus: This is a transcription factor of the opportunistic pathogenic fungus Aspergillus parasiticus. It may play a role in the regulation of the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway [PMID10095064]-[PMID10919326].

Suggested parent term

I'm going to leave this to you folks as you know the hierarchy better than me.



jproesch commented 3 years ago

@genegodbold this should work in the indirect branch, "modulates expression of genes that mediate pathogenesis in host" seems really long and wordy, but should work.