jhudsl / OTTR_Template

OTTR for making courses! This is a template repo that helps people write 1 course but publish it in three places
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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URL checker for GitHub pages domains doesn't fail in the way we'd expect #563

Closed cansavvy closed 2 years ago

cansavvy commented 2 years ago

See here for example: https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template_Website/actions/runs/3092279525/jobs/5003367582

This URL: https://jhudatascience.org/intro_to_r2/ is broken in the meaningful sense, but according to the test we use:

test_url <- function(url) {
  message(paste0("Testing: ", url))
  url_status <- try(httr::GET(url), silent = TRUE)
  status <- ifelse(suppressMessages(grepl("Could not resolve host", url_status)), "failed", "success")

It does find the host of the website so it doesn't classify it as a broken URL.

So, we need to think if there's a way to catch these types of URLs as well, especially since GitHub URLs are probably a lot of what we reference.

cansavvy commented 2 years ago

@carriewright11 Feel free to add to this issue if there's something else I missed.

carriewright11 commented 2 years ago

This one also didn't get caught by the check: https://bit.ly/ITCR_2023, so perhaps this a more general 404 issue?

carriewright11 commented 2 years ago

hopefully we can also catch issues with pages not being set up correctly with _site.yml ... currently it appears that the just show up as a 404 if you click on that tab