jhughes1010 / weather

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Json format payload for MQTT messages? #15

Closed Seeelefant closed 1 year ago

Seeelefant commented 1 year ago

Are you planning tro introduce Json format payload for MQTT messages as described her https://arduinojson.org/v6/how-to/use-arduinojson-with-pubsubclient/ ?

jhughes1010 commented 1 year ago

not in my queue. Moving on to a LORA and LoRaWAN version of the project now.

Seeelefant commented 1 year ago

Makes absolutely sense, maybe I can help a little in that direction.

jhughes1010 commented 1 year ago

If you wish to add the json over MQTT, feel free to fork the project and submit a pull request when done. I'm interested in hearing your use case.