jhund / filterrific

Filterrific is a Rails Engine plugin that makes it easy to filter, search, and sort your ActiveRecord lists.
MIT License
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Incompatibility with Delayed Job? #155

Open vincentcordel opened 6 years ago

vincentcordel commented 6 years ago

rails (5.1.4) ruby (2.4.1) filterrific (5.0.1)

class Crm::User < ActiveRecord::Base


    default_filter_params: { sorted_by: 'created_at_desc' },
    available_filters: [

  def send_invitation_email
    Delayed::Job.enqueue Crm::Users::SendInvitationJob.new(self.id, self.activation_token)



I get "undefined method `filterrific' for #<Class:..." when trying to send a mail within a method of the same model.

If I remove filterrific, it works normally.

jhund commented 6 years ago

Are you sure that the Filterrific gem is loaded? Are you using Bundler, and did you add Filterrific to your Gemfile?

vincentcordel commented 6 years ago

My mistake : I had both will_paginate and kaminari loaded which created the error. Once I removed kaminari, everything was working properly.

edwardmp commented 6 years ago

@musixite please close the issue