jhurliman / node-echoprint-server

A node.js implementation of the Echoprint music identification server
74 stars 37 forks source link

ingest echoprint-codegen to database #12

Open anandyn opened 9 years ago

anandyn commented 9 years ago


Firstly I want to thank you for making life easier in installing echo_server. As steps mentioned I have installed the server,imported MYSQL file to database & created a json file using echoprint-codegen.

I can't figure out where to insert the generated code in the database. As In codes table has code column with type Int(7)

e.g "code":"eJzNmGtuZCEOhbfE27AcwLD_JcyHa9Q3HSmUejJR95-j5IKNMX4cl3N-iLuAuhvseYEQ6g1yvEHJN5B9gz5uoOUC0YUb-HSDoDfI7QYz3EDHBVKMN6j9AtnpDWK9QUk3GOMCxYcblHYBfxR8DfeIXeUG93h26wZBbnCPdlk3GPMG34nne"

clemenslermen commented 9 years ago

You can just go to http://localhost:37760/debug paste your code (with artist and title information) in and press ingest. Or you go over the API and post it to /ingest