jhurliman / node-echoprint-server

A node.js implementation of the Echoprint music identification server
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cannot add track on mac #4

Closed lovechaninbetter closed 11 years ago

lovechaninbetter commented 11 years ago

after i posted/ingest myterminal said:

/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/node-echoprint-server/controllers/fingerprinter.js:40 zlib.inflate(compressed, function(err, uncompressed) { ^ TypeError: Object # has no method 'inflate' at Object.decodeCodeString (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/node-echoprint-server/controllers/fingerprinter.js:40:8) at Object.ingest (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/node-echoprint-server/controllers/api.js:60:17) at IncomingMessage. (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/node-echoprint-server/server.js:43:22) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:64:17) at HTTPParser.onMessageComplete (http.js:137:23) at Socket.ondata (http.js:1375:22) at TCP.onread (net.js:334:27)

what is the error said.? or can i manually insert it?

thanks .

jhurliman commented 11 years ago

Can you tell me what version of node.js you are running? You can find out by running node -v on the command line

lovechaninbetter commented 11 years ago

i found out that the error above (TypeError: Object # has no method 'inflate') is because my node version is 0.5.

i then upgraded node to lastest version ( 0.8.12) and posted/ingest while running index.js

terminal said:

debug: Inflated 3124 byte code string into 894 codes info: Ingesting track "payphone" by artist "maroon 5", 348 seconds, 894 codes error: Failed to ingest track: Missing required track fields

i am sure that i edited config.local.js to suit my environment correctly.

thanks for ur support. jhurliman.

jhurliman commented 11 years ago

Looks like the code is working properly now. Make sure that you are sending all of the required fields to get it to actually ingest a track fingerprint though.

lovechaninbetter commented 11 years ago

hi jhurliman. me again :)

look like my server (localhost) did not get "track" data . i am sure that track data was included in post data.

see my form upload >> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12797378/index.php

my terminal still said

info: Ingesting track "Kalimba" by artist "Mr. Scruff", 348 seconds, 894 codes error: Failed to ingest track: Missing required track fields


jhurliman commented 11 years ago

Try passing in another field called "length" with the value "0" and let me know if that works.

lovechaninbetter commented 11 years ago

thanks jhurliman. i did it successfully so i can do ingestion. I dont know where i did mistake. sorry.

next issue, i try a track matching with the same song in database many times > no song matched. any suggestions?

my echo version is 4.12.

sorry for my poor english.

jhurliman commented 11 years ago

A lot of fixes were made recently. I'm going to close this ticket since there hasn't been any activity, but please feel free to reopen it or create a new ticket if you're still having issues with the latest version.