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Duplicate items in word/image lists - children cannot get correct answers #3811

Open corinnewo opened 1 year ago

corinnewo commented 1 year ago

There are more and more JIGs being created with duplicate words or images as the correct answers. We need to find a solution: Either alert that there are duplicate words/images and this cannot happen, or else have a way to recognize duplicates and accept both as correct.

Examples: https://jigzi.org/asset/play/jig/37c9c980-bf74-11ed-b324-d36ab68cdbf1?direction=ltr&display_score=false&track_assessments=false&drag_assist=false&is_student=false&draft_or_live=live



corinnewo commented 1 year ago

Discussed at sprint: Could be 2 possible solutions:

  1. As you type, any duplicates would be highlighted with a warning that this is duplicate, and why this is not going to work. (Probably the easiest solution to implement immediately)
  2. Allow duplicates, and accept them both as correct. Mendy will look into what this would involve, and if not a huge rewrite of how the cards work, we can do.

If accepting duplicate options as correct involves a huge rewrite, then we will go with the first option of highlighting and warning. @MendyBerger Please take a look and advise, so that we can work on the warnings if necessary.