We received a complaint from a user about her long sounds on each card not working well. She had recorded a whole story for each illustration, resulting in overlapping sounds, etc.
[ ] In general - sounds should NEVER overlap. Playing one sound should cut off a previous sound that is playing
[ ] Matching: Play the sound if click or start dragging a card. Sound should not overlap! If click and sound starts playing, then start dragging, and sound starts again, the first sound should stop playing.
[ ] Flashcards: Flip the card only AFTER the audio is finished. If there is no audio, or the audio is short and finishes before the current time set, then wait until the time limit.
[ ] Memory game: Flip the card only AFTER the audio is finished. If there is no audio, or the audio is short and finishes before the current time set, then wait until the time limit.
This is also the case in Drag and Drop - Don't allow overlapping sounds - If one sound playing and you click another, the first sound should be cut off
We received a complaint from a user about her long sounds on each card not working well. She had recorded a whole story for each illustration, resulting in overlapping sounds, etc.
(Eliezer V’Hagezer: https://jigzi.org/asset/play/jig/9e0d783c-0ece-11ee-8585-83f35525bbc5?direction=ltr&display_score=false&track_assessments=false&drag_assist=false&is_student=false&draft_or_live=live )