jiaaro / dailybread

Daily Bread - A grocery app optimized for remembering the essentials
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Local (Push) notifications #3

Open jiaaro opened 10 years ago

jiaaro commented 10 years ago

Along the lines of:

jiaaro commented 9 years ago

Idea for when to schedule a notification:

Use a naive baesian classifier to assign a probability to each day in the future, schedule a notification once the probability reaches a certain threshold.

Inputs are:

Basically some days are more likely (saturday for instance) so we want to weight on that.

And we want to approximate the average delay between grocery store trips.

min and max time will be needed (shouldn't be more often than every day, and anything over 2 or 3 weeks is obviously too long)

On the other hand, we could also just ask the user how long to wait before firing a reminder.

Or we could use location and try to guess when they're at the grocery store

jiaaro commented 9 years ago

Things that might justify a reminder: